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Welcome to the user manual for the GridUtils python library. This library provides a one stop shop for grid preparation and manipulation software. The design for this library is to keep it simple and provide a variety of usage patterns. Work is ongoing with a laundry list of TODO items.

This library currently returns a netCDF file that should be compatible with a typical input file.

Under the hood

The library makes use of xarray for input and output (IO). Several open source libraries are used for manipulation of grid and associated grid fields (boundary files and forcing fields). The primary storage format is netCDF. The dask library is leveraged where possible. The library also leverages the geospatial library pyproj where possible.

Getting Started

This project assumes the user is familiar with using python as a programming language. To get started with using this library, the first step is instantiation of the library's class with a python variable that will point to the python object. This also assumes the library has been installed and is accessible.

from gridtools.gridutils import GridUtils

grd = GridUtils()

The grd variable or object's functions and methods can not be used to create or load the users grid and leverage the library's tools for other available operations.

If working with more than one grid at one time, it is advised to create or instantiate more than one object. Use one object for each grid in use in a single program.

The user manual and examples will refer to this grd object frequently.

In the application form of this library, once all the notebook cells have run, there is a grd object that can be accessed by adding cells at the bottom of the notebook. Manipulation of the grd object outside the application can have unexpected consequences. The application can only work with one grid at one time.

Additional details about the application not covered by the internal application help menu can be found in the application portion of the user manual.

Additional details may be gleamed from the internal python documentation using the built-in help() function. After importing GridUtils or any library, the internal help is displayed by using help(GridUtils) in a python script or in a notebook cell. This also works for individual methods or functions.


The library provides feedback to the user and the developers by providing messages back to the screen or logging them to files. As the library is utilized, it will emit warnings or error as needed. If you want to increase or decrease the verbosity of these messages, please see the logging portion of the user manual.


grid: This refers to the entire grid.

grid cell: This refers to a grid cell within a grid.


supergrid: This refers a denser grid where there are not only the grid verticies of the grid cells but additional verticies through the center points of the grid cells in both the i and j direction. This grid is twice the nominal resolution of the model.

Grid orientation, with no rotation, is from the lower left to the upper right. The i direction increases from lower to upper portion of the grid. The j direction incrases from left to right.

More grid specifics for MOM6 can be found at these locations:


The library acts on user provided grid and plot parameters.

The user must specify projection information for both the grid and plot parameters if the grid is to be used on a geographic surface. In most cases, the grid and plot projections will be the same unless you wish to see the grid in a different projection.

The library has also been designed to allow the grid center to be in a different location than the projection center. The library makes limited assumptions for parameters and it is highly recommended to provide complete information no matter how redundant it may seem.

There are certain assumptions made by the pyproj library for certain projection parameters.

Grid Creation

The library supports one mode of grid creation at present. The user must provide:

  • Size of the grid in the i(dy) and j(dx) direction in degrees or meters.
  • Grid center in degrees or meters.
  • Grid resolution in degrees or meters.

The number of grid cells depends on the total size of the grid and selected grid resolution. The library may automatically adjust number of grid points in the i and j direction. Automatic adjustment can be disabled.


The user may select from three available projections:

  • Lambert Conformal Conic
  • Mercator
  • Stereographic

Since pyproj is utilized by this library, the default ellipsoids for projections is GRS80. If proj is installed, use proj -le to produce a list of available ellipoids.

Projection Support

These grids are believed to be conformal as generated by the library:

  • Lambert Conformal Conic
  • Mercator (no tilt)
  • Stereographic (with grid distance in meters)

Other grids may be generated, but they are not guaranteed to be conformal.

Lambert Conformal Conic

All grid parameters must be specified in degrees.


All grid parameters must be specified in degrees.


The central grid point must be specified in degrees. Grid distance must be specified in meters.


This section shows all available grid and plot parameters. Parameter definitions are provided.

All the available parameters are shown for completeness. Not all parameters are needed to create a grid or request a plot. It some cases, it does not make sense to mix parameters. Some parameters are only available for specific grid types.


Grid parameters may be changed through the setGridParameters function by passing a python dictionary. The order of the parameters does not matter. The parameter names are case sensitive.

	'centerUnits': 'degrees',
	'centerX': 0.0,
	'centerY': 0.0,
	'dx': 0.0,
	'dy': 0.0,
	'dxUnits': 'degrees',
	'dyUnits': 'degrees',
	'nx': 0,
	'ny': 0,
	'tilt': 0.0,
	'gridResolution': 0.0,
	'gridResolutionX': 0.0,
	'gridResolutionY': 0.0,
	'gridResolutionUnits': 'degrees',
	'gridResolutionXUnits': 'degrees',
	'gridResolutionYUnits': 'degrees',
	'projection': {
		'name': 'Mercator',
		'lat_0': 0.0,
		'lat_1': 0.0,
		'lat_2': 0.0,
		'lat_ts': 0.0,
		'lon_0': 0.0,
		'ellps': 'GRS80',
		'R': 6378137.0,
		'x_0': 0.0,
		'y_0': 0.0,
		'k_0': 1.0
	'gridMode': 2,
	'ensureEvenJ': True

Parameter definitions:

Parameter Definition Type Valid Values Default
centerUnits units for center grid point string 'degrees', 'meters' 'degrees'
centerX grid center in j direction float (1) n/a
centerY grid center in i direction float (1) n/a
dx grid length in the j direction float (2) n/a
dy grid length in the i direction float (2) n/a
dxUnits grid length units string 'degrees', 'meters' 'degrees'
dyUnits grid length units string 'degrees', 'meters' 'degrees'
nx number of grid points in the j direction integer (3) n/a
ny number of grid points in the i direction integer (3) n/a
tilt degree to rotate the grid float 0.0 to 360.0 0.0 (4)
gridResolution grid cell size in the i and j direction float (5) n/a
gridResolutionX grid cell size in the j direction float (5) n/a
gridResolutionY grid cell size in the i direction float (5) n/a
gridResolutionUnits grid cell size units in the i and j direction string 'degrees', 'meters' 'degrees'
gridResolutionXUnits grid cell size units in the j direction string 'degrees', 'meters' 'degrees'
gridResolutionYUnits grid cell size units in the i direction string 'degrees', 'meters' 'degrees'


  • (1) If centerUnits is in 'degrees', the limits for centerX are +0.0 to +360.0 and centerY are -90.0 to +90.0.
  • (2) This is a reasonable float number representing degrees or meters.
  • (3) This feature has not been implemented yet.
  • (4) This parameter only applies to the Lambert Conformal Conic projection.
  • (5) Specifying gridResolutionX and/or gridResolutionY will override the value specified for gridResolution

MOM6 parameter definitions:

Parameter Definition Type Valid Values Default
gridMode grid generation mode integer (1) 2
ensureEvenI ensure even number of grid points in the i direction boolean True, False True
ensureEvenJ ensure even number of grid points in the j direction boolean True, False True


  • (1) Valid values are 1 and 2. Grid mode one (1) generates only the specified grid with grid cell distances given by the grid resolution. Grid metrics will NOT be computed. Grid mode two (2) generates a standard MOM6 grid with supergrid. Grid metrics will be computed.
  • ensureEvenJ flag allows the grid generator clip the grid if the number of points in the j direction is uneven.

Projection definitions:

Parameter Definition Type Valid Values Default
name projection name string 'LambertConformalConic', 'Mercator', 'Stereographic' n/a
lat_0 latitude of projection center degrees -90.0 to +90.0 0.0
lat_1 first standard parallel latitude degrees -90.0 to +90.0 0.0
lat_2 second standard parallel latitude degrees -90.0 to +90.0 0.0
lat_ts latitude of true scale degrees -90.0 to +90.0 0.0 (1)
lon_0 longitude of projection center degrees +0.0 to +360.0 0.0
ellps ellipsoid string (2) 'GRS80'
R radius of the earth sphere float (3) n/a
x_0 false easting float always expressed in meters 0.0
y_0 false northing float always expressed in meters 0.0
k_0 scale factor for natural origin or the ellipsoid float (2) 1.0


  • (1) This parameters take precedence over k_0 if both options are specified. For stereographic projections, lat_0 is used if lat_ts is not specified.
  • (2) This is a proj string that sets the ellipsoid of the earth or sphere. See proj -le to show all available ellipoids. Even if an ellipsoid is selected, the radius can be changed by also supplying the R argument.
  • (3) The radius is normally defined by the ellipsoid. Use this parameter if the radius of the sphere is slightly different. Depending on the projection selected, the parameter k_0 may scale the natural origin or the ellipsoid.


Plot parameters may be changed through the setPlotParameters function by passing a python dictionary. The order of the parameters does not matter. The parameter names are case sensitive.

	'figsize': (5.0, 3.75),
	'extent': [-180.0, +180.0, -90.0, +90.0],
	'showGrid': True,
	'showGridCells': False,
	'showSupergrid': False,
	'title': 'Plot title',
	'iColor': 'k',
	'jColor': 'k',
	'iLinewidth': 1.0,
	'jLinewidth': 1.0,
	'projection': {
		'name': 'Mercator',
		'lat_0': 0.0,
		'lat_1': 0.0,
		'lat_2': 0.0,
		'lat_ts': 0.0,
		'lon_0': 0.0,
		'ellps': 'GRS80',
		'R': 6378137.0,
		'x_0': 0.0,
		'y_0': 0.0,
		'k_0': 1.0

Parameter definitions:

Parameter Definition Type Valid Values Default
figsize default figure size for plots in inches tuple (float, float) (5.0, 3.75) (1)
extent plot extent list [float, float, float, float] n/a (2)
extentCRS plot extent projection cartopy crs object (3)
showGrid plots only show the grid edge boolean False, True True (4)
showGridCells plots show grid cells boolean False, True False (4)
showSupergrid plots show the supergrid boolean False, True False (4)
title plot title string any string n/a (5)
iColor i grid line color string (6) 'k'
jColor j grid line color string (6) 'k'
iLinewidth i grid line width float (7) 1.0
jLinewidth j grid line width float (7) 1.0


  • (1) The tuple arguments are (width, height) in inches. This default figure size is optimized for use in the application portion of the library. The library is designed to pass back a figure and axes matlab object for further customization before rendering.
  • (2) By default, this parameter is not set. When this parameter is not set, a geographic map plot will default to a global extent. The parameter list is [min x0, max x1, min y0, max y1] where x is typically longitude and y is latitude. NOTE: The library pyproj utilizes longitudes +0.0 to +360.0. The library cartopy utilizes longitudes -180.0 to +180.0.
  • (3) See for other projections and required units. Changing the projection will require loading the cartopy library. import cartopy
  • (4) Not all grid model types will support showSupergrid. If multiple parameters are set to True, the plot will show the denser of all the selections.
  • (5) By default, the parameter is not set. When set, this is the title that is shown on the plot.
  • (6) By default, grid lines are plotted as black ('k'). The library utilizes colors available in matplotlib.
  • (7) Grid line width is specified in points (1/72 of an inch). A grid can sometimes be viewable at a witdh of 0.1 points. The grid also becomes somewhat opaque.

The projection definitions for plot parameters are the same as the grid parameters and will not be repeated here.