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Releases: Studio-42/elFinder

Version 2.1.23

31 Mar 08:07
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Changes form previous version

All previous changes is here.

  • [VD:Dropbox2] Fixed #1598 add a driver of Dropbox APIv2
  • [js:core] change option abortCmdsOnOpen default value to `['tmb', 'parents']
  • [php:core,VD:abstract] add a command subdirs
  • [js:core] add new method asyncJob
  • [quicklook] optimize of HTML5 audio/video player
  • [php:core,VD:abstract] Fixed problem of caching of subdirs
  • [ui:tree] trigger check subdirs() if necessary of change targets
  • [cmd:netmount] Fixed #1925 allow selection of multi-level hierarchy
  • [ui,cmd] Fixed #1931 cmd.disabled is not working in multi-volume search
  • [VD:GoogleDrive] Fixed #1932 support to auth type "JSON service account credentials"
  • [VD:GoogleDrive] Fixed #1933 sometimes infinite loop if root path is other than root on GoogleDrive
  • [js:core,ui:cwd,tree] add core method fm.getIconStyle() and use
  • [cmd:quicklook,info] Fixed #1926 support i18 name, file.icon
  • [Vd:abstract] allow -1 as value of option checkSubfolders for check asynchronously
  • [ui:cwd] Fixed #1923 first letter search & navigation in cwd
  • [VD:LocalFileSystem,FTP] Make success extract() by excluding unallowed items
  • [ui:cwd] Fixed #1941 performance deterioration of the thumbnail attach process
  • [js:core] Supports tag
  • And some minor bug fixes

Version 2.1.22

24 Feb 15:29
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Changes form previous version

All previous changes is here.

  • [VD:LocalFileSystem] Fixed #1882 option copyJoin does not work on extract
  • [cmd:help] Fixed #1898 error ".tabs is not a function" without JqUI tabs widget
  • [VD:abstract] Fixed #1899 rotating image breaks itself without exiftran and jpegtran
  • [VD:LocalFileSystem] Fixed #1910 startPath dose not work currently
  • [VD:abstract] Fixed #1911 unable to rename folder
  • And some minor bug fixes

Version 2.1.21

08 Feb 13:51
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Changes form previous version

All previous changes is here.

  • [cmd:open] Fixed #1844 make configurable to open into tab(s)
  • [php:core] Fixed #1846 target folder may be stay locked by adding items
  • [cmd:download] Fixed #1868 fixed up timeouts for bad connection download
  • [proxy:v1] Fixed #1880 error on command paste
  • [v1 support] Fixed #1884 error on command reload
  • [cmd:upload] Fixed #1885 Error on upload.ui = 'uploadbutton'
  • [VD:security] Fixed #1891 MIME-type check of unknown item is not execute
  • And some minor bug fixes

Version 2.1.20

11 Jan 14:34
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Changes form previous version

All previous changes is here.

  • [php:core] Fixed #1800 session write before umount of the volume
  • [cmd:upload] Fixed #1804 add folder upload button into upload dialog
  • [php:plugin] Fixed #1807 enable/disable plugin by pressing meta key on DnD upload
  • [cmd:rename] Fixed #1814 trigger event blur of input on item unselect
  • [js:core] Fixed #1817 add "execpre.[cmd]" event and make cmd exec cancelable
  • [js:core] Fixed #1818 mtime not defined for chunk upload
  • [js:core] Fixed #1826 allow command invalidation by each item(folder/file)
  • [ui:dialog] Fixed #1824 empty dialog on elfinder load
  • [cmd:resize] Fixed #1834 configurable default state of 8px Grid
  • [VD] Fixed #1841 published files security issues
  • [js:core] Fixed #1832 allow to set error message on HTTP status code 4/5xx
  • [js:cmd] Fixed #1842 disable shortcut that specified to disabled
  • [php:core] Fixed #1843 security vulnerability fix

Version 2.1.19

10 Dec 01:15
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Changes form previous version

All previous changes is here.

  • [js] Fixed #1000 Wrap compiled code in UMD (for commonJs and AMD support)
  • [VD:OneDrive,Box] Fixed #1774 dose not work when PHP has open_basedir
  • [cmd:edit,php:core] Fixed #1779 save contents with original character encoding
  • [ui:toolbar] Fixed #1778 displayTextLabel option not works
  • [cmd:edit] add encoding select box rel. #1779
  • [cmd:search] Fixed #1782 search by mimetype dose not work (>=2.1.16)
  • [ui:dialog] Fixed #1785 trigger resize event with maximize:on in minimize element
  • [VD:abstract] Fixed #1783 Illegal duplicate data as bind in duplicate command
  • [cmd:edit] include elFinder instance as fm into ta.editor property
  • [js:core] Fixed #1791 implement JS, CSS loader and auto load of elFinder CSS
  • [cmd:resize] Fixed #1789 bug that crop image size is change while dragging
  • [js:core] Fixed #1788 bug that chunked upload timeout processing is invalid
  • [VD:abstract] Fixed #1799 uses link() in exec zipdl to more faster
  • And some minor bug fixes

Version 2.1.18

21 Nov 13:32
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Changes form previous version

All previous changes is here.

  • [VD:FTP] Fixed #1757 cause infinite loop with getting stat of second level items from system root
  • [js:core] Fixed #1761 problem of chunk merge request on 2.1.17
  • [php:core] Fixed #1762 broken backward compatibility of PHP < 5.4 on 2.1.17
  • And some minor bug fixes

Version 2.1.17

19 Nov 08:42
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Changes form previous version

All previous changes is here.

  • [cmd:upload] Fixed #1695 disabled check doesn't work in other than CWD volume
  • [js:core] Fixed #1698 abort the file upload at network error occurs
  • [ui:toolbar] Fixed #1699 add an option displayTextLabel (default: false)
  • [css:toolbar] Fixed #1700 correction of button label for touch devices
  • [ui:toolbar] add contextmenu to show/hide the text label
  • [ui:workzone] Fixed #1702 cwd size fits to the workzone at resize
  • [VD:abstract] Fixed #1703 problem of make the video thumbnail
  • [core] Fixed #1706 configurable to limit max number of selectable items
    • Added an option maxTargets of connector main option.
  • [ui:cwd] Fixed #1701 No thumbnails after added the item (v 2.1.16)
  • [cmd:download] Fixed #1707 allow zip download in multi volume searching
  • Added native driver for GoogleDrive, OneDrive and Box (Special thanks to Raja Sharma)
  • [cmd:netmount] Fixed #1713 OAuth of procedure is not completed on MS Edge
  • [css:quicklook] Fixed #1717 preview html file won't scroll on IOS
  • [cmd:upload] Fixed #1718 File upload on paste does not work
  • [js:core] Fixed #1724 add client option enableByMouseOver
  • [js:core] Fixed #1724 disable event disable with option enableAlways=true
  • [js:core] Fixed #1724 optimize switching enable/disable for elf in iframe
  • [cmd:getfile] Fixed #1727 wrong path when the tree is not loaded
  • [cmd:quicklook] Fixed #1737 select next item after an item deleted
  • [cmd:mkdir] Fixed #1739 Add 'new folder' action to tree context menu
  • [VD:abstract,LocalFileSystem] Fixed #1744 results url must be urlencoded
  • [js:core] Fixed #1738 retry uploading only on connection aborted
  • [cmd:search] Fixed #1745 "onlyMimes" option invalid in search results
  • [js:core] Fixed #1738 bug in the retry function on chunked uploading
  • [php:plugin:AutoResize] Fixed #1746 add an option forceEffect (default:false)
  • [js:core,cmd:quicklook] Fixed #1748 add client option rawStringDecoder
  • And some minor bug fixes

Version 2.1.16

11 Oct 06:47
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Changes form previous version

All previous changes is here.

  • [cmd:info] Fixed #1652 add CSS class name file.csscls to icon
  • [ui:cwd] Fixed #1653 JQUI.selectable does not work on items that has been added
  • [js:core,cmd:info] Fixed #1652 add the item type Volume Root
  • [js:core] Fixed #1656 wrong result fm.convAbsUrl() with location basename
  • [php:core] Fixed #1658 to allow cancel cmd exec by [cmd].pre callback
  • [js:code] Fixed #1659 not work in Mac/iOS safari private browsing mode
  • [js:core] Fixed #1662 [cmd]fail event is fired at fail cmd execution
  • [php:core] Fixed #1669 Fatal error in detectFileExtension() when URL upload
  • [ui:dialog] Fixed #1670 add the minimize button into the editing dialog
  • [ui:navbar] Fixed #1684 rtl right-panel resize bug
  • [cmd:resize] Fixed #1685 to enable specify bgcolor in the image rotation
  • [cmd:resize] Fixed #1686 add "Aspect ratio" button into crop panel
  • [cmd:resize] add button "8px Grid" Enabled/Disabled for JPEG image
  • [js:core] Fixed #1689 initialized to an undefined property
  • [js:core] Fixed #1692 optimize function of swipe to close navbar
  • [cmd:quicklook] Fixed #1693 dispInlineRegex doesn't reflect in multi volume searching
  • And some minor bug fixes

Version 2.1.15

12 Sep 01:59
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Changes form previous version

All previous changes is here.

  • [js:command] inheritable elFinder.command object rel. #1545
  • [VD:abstract] Fixed #1550 option uiCmdMap dose not work on 2.1.14
  • [VD:abstract] Fixed #1553 root stat not refresh when do chmod of root
  • [php:core] fix make netkey problem - support multiple array options
  • [js:core] Fixed #1554 can not unmount netvolume when done auto sync
  • [js:core] Fixed #1555 can not upload to unreadable folder
  • [php:core] parent dir sets to changed when upload, paste, rm, mkfile, mkdir etc
  • [js:core] Fixed #1560 to possible to apply sort mode in tree in navbar
  • [js:ui,cmd:fullscreen] Fixed #1563 add ui command "fullscrren"
  • [cmd:edit] Fixed #1561 add to fullscreen button
  • [js:core] Fixed #1562 sort with i18 name if exist
  • [js:options] ui option commands accepts "*" as all of commands
  • [VD:LocalFileSystem] Fixed #1565 dose not support volume option searchTimeout
  • [VD:FTP] Fixed #1571 cause infinite loop during auto-sync of the volume root
  • [php:core] Fixed #1572 unable to DnD upload the folder named "0"
  • [VD:abstract] Fixed #1575 can not rename "0" to "00", "000"...
  • [cmd:rename] Fixed #1573 input text stay in there at rename error in tree view
  • [ui:cwd] Fixed #1576 reset the column width may not applied to the header
  • [ui:conttextmenu] Fixed #1578 to the contextmenu draggable
  • [php,cmd:open] Fixed #1586 RFC7233 violation, add
  • [ui:navbar,cwd] Fixed #1590 auto scroll on HTML5 native dragging
  • [VD:Dropbox] Fixed #1596 correction of basename, dirname on the windows server
  • [cmd:upload] Fixed #1600 add target folder selector into upload dialog
  • [ui] Fixed #1609 toast notification on complete of upload/paste into any folder
  • [cmd:getfile] Fixed #1610 getFileCallback to supports the jQuery.Deferred
  • [cmd:rename] Fixed #1613 correction of error handling
  • [js:core] Fixed #1614 correction of upload mixed chunks and normal file
  • [ui:cwd] Fixed #1615 break the lazy rendering when it delete items
  • [ui:tree] Fixed #1617 other volumes cmds doesn't work when it disabled in cwd
  • [core] Fixed #1622 added an option phash to the volume roots for implement feature of volume group
  • [ui:toolbar] Fixed #1619 use fm.trigger('toolbarload') instead toolbar.tigger('load')
  • [js:options] Fixed #1624 add a new option overwriteUploadConfirm
  • [cmd:search] Fixed #1635 support parallel requests for multi volumes
  • [contextmenu] Fixed #1645 to enable the operation of the keyboard
  • [ui:cwd] Fixed #1646 selected targets by ctrl+shift are wrong
  • [ui:dialog] Fixed #1647 controlling tabstop by elfinder-tabstop css class name
  • And some minor bug fixes

Version 2.1.14

25 Jul 00:38
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Changes form previous version

  • [js:core,VD:abstract] Fixed #1525 do MIME check before file upload
  • [API] Accept the root options data as an attribute options of the root stat
  • [ui:cwd] Fixed #1532 can not use the _ in custom column name
  • [js:command] Fixed #1533 update the cmd status at sync
  • [core] Fixed #1012 support i18n folder name
  • [ui:cwd] Fixed #1544 jQuery backward compatibility (fix DnD problem)
  • [proxy:APIv1] Fixed #178 correction of command paste
  • And some minor bug fixes

All previous changes is here.