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File metadata and controls

354 lines (270 loc) · 12.3 KB

Configuring Entries

The system currently uses NEON language for creating the entry form as well as setting other parameters. The configuration is loaded from local.neon and private.neon files in the app/Config directory. It is also possible to customize e-mail messages, hook into input fields and modify invoices.

If you put database credentials (dbal section) and parameters.adminPassword into private.neon file, it will be safe to commit local.neon to version control and it will also make it easy to share the local config across multiple servers (e.g. developer’s computer and production server).

Structure of the config

The configuration file provides considerable customization possibilities – not only it enables changing the application, it also allows overriding the behaviour of the underlying libraries. For example, it is possible to use SMTP for sending e-mails.

The configuration file is divided into sections; on top of the optional Nette specific ones, there are the following sections:

dbal section

This section contains credentials for connecting to a database server. It is required.

	driver: mysqli
	host: localhost
	database: entries
	username: u_entries
	password: p4ssw0rd
	connectionTz: +01:00
		charset: utf8mb4

For details about the supported keys see Nextras\Dbal docs.

parameters section

This section affects behaviour of the app itself.


# used for editing entries, currently only plain-text passwords are supported
adminPassword: p4ssw0rd


This is a dictionary of names of the event in the supported languages. It will be displayed in the page title and headings.

At least an item for the default language needs to be provided, it will be used as a fallback.

	cs: HROB 2017
	en: Mountain Orienteering Championships 2017


This is a dictionary of short names of the event in the supported languages. It may be used in the e-mail messages.

When missing, the full siteTitle will be used instead.

	cs: MČR 2021
	en: CRC 2021


This is the bank account number to be listed in payment instructions in the Czech e-mail the team receives after registration. (Unless the message text is overridden.)

accountNumber: '000000-0000000000/0000'


A string containing the e-mail address of the person responsible for handling entries. It will be shown on the front page and will be used as a sender of the confirmation e-mails.

If you use a better e-mail provider like GMail, you should also configure the SMTP sender in order to have the messages correctly signed. This will reduce the likelihood of the messages ending up in the entrants’ spam directory. See Structure of the config section.


The most important subsection, it describes the information about the event (starting date), categories, fees, constraints on the registration process, as well as the fields of the entry form. It also contains the administrator’s password.

# used for age calculations
eventDate: 2017-11-03

# the registration will be closed outside of this interval
opening: 2017-06-01T01:00:00
closing: 2017-11-01T01:00:00

# whether to urge people to use e-mail after registration period (defaults to false)
allowLateRegistrationsByEmail: true

# constraints on number of team members (min & max can be overridden in each category individually)
minMembers: 1
initialMembers: 2 # number of members when form is loaded, optional (defaults to the value of minMembers)
maxMembers: 3
allowPlaceholders: true # whether to allow registering a placeholder team members

# this will warn users when they try to enter with an SI card
# with lower capacity
recommendedCardCapacity: 50

This section defines the fees and other properties related to prices.


This key is used as a fallback when a category does not define fees locally. It is especially useful if most of the categories share the same price, prices for the rest can be overridden individually.


Prices will be displayed in choosen currency on the invoice and in the administration. Currently only the following are supported:

  • CZK – Czech koruna
  • PLN – Polish złoty
  • HUF – Hungarian forint
  • EUR – Euro
  • USD – United States dollar
  • GBP – Pound sterling
  • JPY – Japanese yen

You can also set currency conversion rates.


This section allows you to define limits that can be later used to restrict how many counts of a certain item can all teams select in total in checkbox, enum and checkboxlist fields with specified limit. This is useful e.g. for booking accommodation.

			luxury_hotel_rooms: 10
			normal_hotel_rooms: 30

This section defines the categories entrants can choose from. The categories section can be either nested or flat. Each category defines a set of constraints that need to be satisfied in order for the team to be able to register in the category.

Categories can also narrow down the minimum and maximum number of team members:

		minMembers: 1
		maxMembers: 5
				minMembers: 2
				maxMembers: 2
Category constraints

The constrains form a list representing a conjunction of individual constraint expressions. The syntax of a constraint expression is described by the following EBNF grammar:

expression ::= quantified_expression | aggregate_expression
quantified_expression ::= "some(" predicate ")" | "all(" predicate ")"
predicate ::= numeric_variable comparison_operator number | "gender" "=" sex
sex ::= "male" | "female"
numeric_variable ::= "age"
comparison_operator ::= "<" | "<=" | "=" | ">=" | ">"
aggregate_expression ::= aggregate_function "(" numeric_variable ")" comparison_operator number
aggregate_function ::= "sum" | "min" | "max"

Or, to put it simply, each constraint expression can be:

  • one of the following predicates quantified by either some or all:
    • age, followed by one of the comparison operators <, <=, =, >=, > and then a number
    • gender followed by = and then either male or female
  • one of the aggregate functions sum, min, max, applied to age and followed by a comparison operator and then a number

some quantifier requires at least one member of the team satisfies given predicate, all requires that all members of the team do. age refers to the number of years since a team member’s birth at the first day of the event rounded down. Notably, that means that age>65 will only match people who are at least 66.

	- 'some(gender=male)'
	- 'some(gender=female)'
	- 'all(age<20)'
	- 'sum(age)>=40'

If the constraints are an empty set, the constraints key can be omitted.

Flat categories

The categories are all equal, the simplest organization.

		- 'all(gender=male)'
		- 'all(age<20)'
		- 'all(gender=female)'
		- 'all(age<20)'
P: # an unconstrained category
Nested categories

Larger events might organize multiple races of different durations. Nested categories add a level thus making the category selection cleaner. Since option group from HTML is used, the groups cannot be nested.

Each category group requires a label for each supported locale. Alternately, you can specify a label string shared by all locales.

You can also override the fees, either on a category level or a group level.

			cs: 24 hodin
			en: 24 hours
					- 'all(gender=male)'
					person: 200
		label: '12'
			person: 200

Note that the category keys should be unique even across the groups.


This section describes the data asked in the entry form. The team fields are declared separately from the person fields but the syntax is the same.

By default, the form only asks the team for a name, category and optionally a message for the organizer. A person is asked for a name, sex, e-mail address, and a birth date. More fields of various types can be added as necessary.

			type: phone
				cs: 'Telefon:'
				en: 'Phone:'
			type: country
			default: 46
			public: true
			type: sportident
			fee: 50.0
			public: true
Common properties
  • type – Each field will need to declare its type, see field types.
  • label – Some fields may define a default label (sportident, country) but otherwise you should define one for each language.
  • public – By default, no custom field will be shown in the team list publicly to prevent leaking personal information and as not to clutter the list with items only relevant to organizers. You can set this option to true to make it visible to everyone.
  • disabled – Setting this to true makes the field insensitive. Can be also added to individual options of enum and checkboxlist fields.
  • applicableCategories – A list of categories to show this field in. If not present, every category is implied.
Field types
  • country – Select box listing the countries of the world. You can specify a default value – 46 stands for Czechia, see install.sql for a complete list. You might want to make the value public to promote nationalism among the participants.
  • phone – A telephone number.
  • sportident – A field allowing to enter a SI card number or request one for rent. The price is set using the fee key. You might want to make the value public to allow people to check if they registered the correct SI card.
  • enum – Allows selecting a single value from a list of values. Each option can have a fee or limit (referring to a name of a key in limits section) set.
	type: enum
		en: 'Accommodation:'
		cs: 'Ubytování:'
				en: 'Friday – Sunday'
				cs: 'Pátek – Neděle'
			fee: 500
			limit: accommodation
				en: 'Saturday – Sunday'
				cs: 'Sobota – Neděle'
			fee: 250
			limit: accommodation
			default: true
				en: 'None'
				cs: 'Žádné'
  • checkbox – A simple boolean switch, can have a fee, limit (referring to a name of a key in limits section) or a default state associated.
  • checkboxlist – Allows selecting multiple values from a list of values. Each option can have a fee, limit (referring to a name of a key in limits section) or a default state set.
		en: 'Boarding:'
		cs: 'Stravování:'
	type: checkboxlist
				en: 'Saturday Breakfast (120 CZK)'
				cs: 'Sobotní snídaně (120 Kč)'
			fee: 120
				en: 'Saturday Supper (100 CZK)'
				cs: 'Sobotní večeře (100 Kč)'
			fee: 100
				en: 'Sunday Breakfast (120 CZK)'
				cs: 'Nedělní snídaně (120 Kč)'
			fee: 120

services section

This section configures services for Nette’s dependency injection and it is extremely powerful. You can use it to change many internal aspects of the application. Here we are listing just the few interesting ones.

Setting currency exchange rates

The app currently only supports defining prices in a single currency but you can set exchange rates by overriding the exchange service:

exchange: Money\Exchange\ReversedCurrenciesExchange(
		'EUR': [
			'CZK': 25

Then you will be able to use exchangeCurrency:'CZK' Latte filter in templates such as e-mails.

See moneyphp documentation for more information.