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File metadata and controls

302 lines (219 loc) · 10.3 KB


Languages: English / 简体中文

Upgit is a native & lightweight tool to helps you upload any file to your Github repository and then get a raw URL for it.

This is also useful with Typora as an image uploader.


  • Integrate with VSCode via extension
  • Support for Linux, Windows and macOS
  • Upload any file to given remote github repo folder
  • Upload from clipboard
  • Custom auto renaming rules
  • CDN via replacing rules
  • Config via Environment Variable
  • Output URL to stdout/clipboard, supports markdown image format

Supported Upload Extensions

  • Github
  • S3 Compatible Storages
    • AWS S3
    • MinIO
    • Cloudflare R2
    • Ceph
    • Backblaze
    • Flexify.IO
    • IBM Cloud Object Storage
    • DigitalOcean Spaces
    • Wasabi
  • Gitee
  • Tencent QcloudCOS
  • Qiniu Kodo
  • Upyun
  • Hello
  • Niupic
  • SM.MS
  • Imgur
  • CatBox
  • LSkyPro
  • Chevereto
  • ImgBB
  • Cloudinary
  • EasyImage

More: ./upgit ext ls

Get started


Download it from Release.

If you have no idea which to download:

  • For most Windows users, choose upgit_win_amd64.exe
  • For most macOS users, choose upgit_macos_arm64
  • Execute chmod +x upgit if permission is needed

Rename it to upgit (For Windows users, upgit.exe), save it to somewhere you like. To access it from anywhere, add its directory to the PATH environment variable.

Warning: this program doesn't contain an auto-updater. If you need to keep updated, just give upgit a ⭐star.


Create config.toml in the same directory of upgit, and fill it in following this sample config file.

Use it

To upload file logo.png with rename rules, execute:

./upgit logo.png
# for windows: .\upgit.exe logo.png

Then you'll see a link to logo.png.

To upload file logo.png to remote folder /my_images/demo, execute:

./upgit logo.png -t /my_images/demo
# for Windows: .\upgit.exe logo.png -t /my_images/demo

For more help, type -h argument

Upload anything to github repo or other remote storages and then get its link.
For more information:

Usage: upgit [--target-dir TARGET-DIR] [--verbose] [--size-limit SIZE-LIMIT] [--wait] [--config-file CONFIG-FILE] [--clean] [--raw] [--no-log] [--uploader UPLOADER] [--output-type OUTPUT-TYPE] [--output-format OUTPUT-FORMAT] [--application-path APPLICATION-PATH] FILE [FILE ...]

Positional arguments:
  FILE                   local file path to upload. :clipboard for uploading clipboard image

  --target-dir TARGET-DIR, -t TARGET-DIR
                         upload file with original name to given directory. if not set, will use renaming rules
  --verbose, -V          when set, output more details to help developers
  --size-limit SIZE-LIMIT, -s SIZE-LIMIT
                         in bytes. overwrite default size limit (5MiB). 0 means no limit
  --wait, -w             when set, not exit after upload, util user press any key
  --config-file CONFIG-FILE, -c CONFIG-FILE
                         when set, will use specific config file
  --clean, -C            when set, remove local file after upload
  --raw, -r              when set, output non-replaced raw url
  --no-log, -n           when set, disable logging
  --uploader UPLOADER, -u UPLOADER
                         uploader to use. if not set, will follow config
  --output-type OUTPUT-TYPE, -o OUTPUT-TYPE
                         output type, supports stdout, clipboard [default: stdout]
  --output-format OUTPUT-FORMAT, -f OUTPUT-FORMAT
                         output format, supports url, markdown and your customs [default: url]
  --application-path APPLICATION-PATH
                         custom application path, which determines config file path and extensions dir path. current binary dir by default
  --help, -h             display this help and exit

Manage extensions:
upgit ext ACTION

  ls                     list all downloadable extensions
  my                     list all local extensions
  add smms.jsonc         install SMMS uploader
  remove smms.jsonc      remove SMMS uploader

Use it for Typora

Assuming your upgit program is saved at "C:\repo\upgit\upgit.exe".

Select File > Preferences...


Move to Image. Choose Custom Command as your Image Uploader.

Input upgit program location into Command textbox.

You can click Test Uploader button to make sure it works.


Now enjoy it!

Upload Clipboard Image

Use :clipboard place holder for clipboard image. (Only supports png format)

./upgit :clipboard

Shortcuts for screenshot:

  • On macOS, use Ctrl+Shift+Cmd+4
  • On Linux/Ubuntu, use Ctrl+Shift+PrintScreen
  • On Windows, use Shift+Win+s

Upload Clipboard Files

Note: This feature is only supported on Windows.

Use :clipboard-files or :clipboard-file place holder for clipboard files. Both will upload all files in clipboard.

./upgit :clipboard-files

Because golang doesn't support clipboard file list, so upgit will use APIProxy-Win32 to get clipboard file list. It will be downloaded automatically when you first use this feature.

Save URL to Clipboard

Use --output-type clipboard:

./upgit logo.png --output-type clipboard
# or .\upgit.exe :clipboard -o clipboard

Copy as Markdown format

Add argument --output-format markdown:

./upgit logo.png --output-type clipboard --output-format markdown
# or .\upgit.exe :clipboard -o clipboard -f markdown

Then you'll get a markdown image link in your clipboard like:


Best practice with AHK

For Windows user:

  1. Install AHK

  2. Create this script upload_clipboard.ahk and run:

    ; Press Ctrl + F9 to upload clipboard image
    RunWait, "upgit.exe" :clipboard --output-type clipboard --output-format markdown
  3. Then press WinShiftS to take screenshot. CtrlF9 to upload it and get its link to your clipboard!

Compatible with Snipaste

(Windows Only, from v0.1.5) We recently added support for Snipaste bitmap format. Just copy screenshot and upload!

Config Instructions

Key Desc
username Your Github username, like pluveto
repo Your Github repository name, like upgit
branch The branch for saving files, like master or main
pat Personal Access Token. Visit GitHub Docs for more info
rename Renaming rule. Path separator / will create directories if not exists. Supporting:
-- {year} -- Year like 2006
-- {month} -- Month like 01
-- {day} -- Day like 02
-- {hour} -- Hours of current time
-- {minute} -- Minutes of current time
-- {second} -- Seconds of current time
-- {unix_ts} -- Unix timestamp in second. Like 1643373370.
-- {unix_tsms} -- Unix timestamp in microsecond. Like 1644212979622.
--- {ext} -- Extension like .png, and empty when the original file has no extension
-- {fname} -- Original file base name like demo (without extension)
-- {fname_hash} -- MD5 Hash in hex of {fname}
-- {fname_hash4} -- MD5 Hash in hex of {fname}, first 4 digits
-- {fname_hash8} -- MD5 Hash in hex of {fname}, first 8 digits

Here is a simplist sample config file:

rename = "{year}/{month}/upgit_{year}{month}{day}_{unix_ts}{ext}"
repo = "repo-name"
username = "username"

Config via Environment Variables


Custome output format

In follwing way:

"bbcode" = "[img]{url}[/img]"
"html" = '<img src="{url}" />'
"markdown-simple" = "![]({url})"


  • {url}: URL to image
  • {fname}: Original file basename
  • {url_fname}: File basename from url

Example usage:

# Upload clipboard and save link to clipboard as bbcode format
upgit :clipboard -o clipboard -f bbcode


  • Upload to specific folder
  • Upload and get raw URL that is not replaced.
  • Upload clipboard image
  • Save uploaded image link to clipboard
  • Upload from link
  • Ignore uploaded file (link input)
  • Upload history