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700 lines (444 loc) · 24.2 KB

File metadata and controls

700 lines (444 loc) · 24.2 KB


  • Fixed JS version bug caused by Conn rewrite


  • [ BREAKING ] Implement Conn as a single atom with extend-clj
    • Only breaking if you relied on getting listneres from Conn meta
    • Before: @(:listeners (meta conn))
    • After: (:listeners @(:atom conn))
  • prevent explosion of redundant tuples during rule solving #457, thx @RutledgePaulV


  • Fixed: :xform is not called on ref attributes #455


  • Added: d/reset-schema!, d/with-schema
  • JVM: Return nil from d/restore-conn if there is no db
  • Do not throw from d/touch when finding hanging refs


  • JVM: Fixed d/collect-garbage
  • JVM: Return nil instead of throwing from d/restore if there is no db


  • CLJS: Fixed shadow-cljs warning


  • JVM: Storage! d/storage, d/store, d/restore, d/addresses, d/collect-garbage, d/file-storage, d/restore-conn. See docs/ for details
  • d/settings and per-database :branching-factor (passed via :opts)
  • New API: d/find-datom. Works like d/datoms, but only returns single datom, but is faster than (first (d/datoms ...))
  • CLJS: Optimized various parts of CLJS version related to compilation and index access


  • [BREAKING] d/entity now returns nil for numeric eids if entity doesn’t exist #447 #448 via @lynaghk


  • Allow the use of lookup refs in get-else and get-some #446 via @jjttjj


  • Bump persistent-sorted-set to 0.2.3
  • Improve performance of getter-fn and tuple-key-fn #438 via @bsless


  • Performance improvement in JVM version #436 via @bsless


  • Additionaly compare db identities when =/hash entities #433 #435 via @ggeoffrey


  • Check for nils in upsert attributes


  • Fixed pull with reverse component references #430


  • Fixed serializable/from-serializable for JS interop #429


  • Allow symbols as data #425 #426 via @zoren


  • When parsing repeated pull attrs, last definition wins


  • Add get to built-ins for binding on map values #423 thx @logseq-cldwalker


  • Fixed :tupleAttrs in JS API #422


  • Query comparison fns work for all data type and cross-types #420 #421 thx @zoren


  • Fixed pull on filtered dbs #419


  • Fixed pull on deserialized DB


  • Allow symbols as constants #416 #417 via @zoren


  • Fixed multiple reverse refs bug #412


  • Fixed reverse recursive pulls #411


  • New pull implementation:
    • Up to 7 times faster than old impl
    • Up to 2,5 times faster than doing pull through entities
    • Up to 4 times faster than Datomic in-memory
    • Support :xform
    • Cached parse results
    • Fixed wildcard + recursion bug: [* {:child ...}] did not work before
    • A callback to track all entities touched by pull (usable for reactive dependency tracking)
  • Simplified benchmark code
  • Ability to override query parse cache: datascript.query/*query-cache*


  • Fix broken wildcard pull on non-matching ref #410 thx @joodie


  • Allow :db/valueType :db.type/tuple #407 #408 thx @joodie


  • Data retracted incorrectly in CLJS #404


  • Tempid resolution fails in some cases #403


  • Special case Inf/-Inf and NaN in serializer since JSON can’t hold them #402


  • Allow specifying tuples in inserts/upserts when their value fully matches all the attrs in DB #400
  • Bump persistent-sorted-set to 0.1.4


  • Lookup ref should not throw in pull #315 #397 thx @timothypratley


  • Bump persistent-sorted-set to 0.1.3 in deps.edn too #396 thx @fversnel



  • New namespace: datascript.serialize. Prepares database for fast to/from JSON serialization


  • [ Breaking ] Remove ISeqable from DB/FilteredDB as it was breaking keys #393


  • Ensure transitive property for hash value comparisons #274 #356 #386 #388 thx @filipesilva


  • Fixed empty non-queried relation not affecting results #385


  • Implement nav/datafy for entities #325 thx @IamDrowsy


  • Temporary disable transient indices #373


  • Fixed db diffs with different types of the same attribute #369 #372 thx @darkleaf


  • Fixed upsert incorectly failing tempid check #363


  • Support composite tuples #323
  • Support return maps (:keys/:syms/:strs) in query #322 #345
  • Support any hashable values in cardinality-many and indexed attributes #274 #356
  • Throw when init-db is used with anything but datoms #276
  • Throw on using unindexed attribute in :avet index access #344
  • Throw on referencing undefined rule #319
  • Fix [:db/retract e a false] working as [:db/retract e a]
  • Validate tempids only used as values in transaction #304
  • Throw if transacted entity id is out of range #292
  • Better validate rules syntax #300
  • Add keyword to the built-ins #231
  • Throw when pred/fn called on unbound variable #309
  • Validate inputs count in :in and d/q #297


  • Fix empty? builtin #349, thx @ash14


  • In or branches, only check that all free vars match, not bound ones (#348)


  • Ignore tx when diff datoms (#347, thx @darkleaf)


  • Support: db/retract without value (#339, #340, thx @ericdscott)


  • Report in :tempids all newly created entities, even if they don’t have :db/id assigned in tx (#246, #337, thx @filipesilva)


  • empty preserves meta (#331, #332, thx @darkleaf)
  • Filtered db can be pprinted (#330, #333, thx @darkleaf)
  • Allow aliasing map keys in pull entry (#328, thx @jamesnvc)


  • Enable :unique/identity and upserts for cardinality-many values (#321, thx @cjsauer)


  • Extracted pprinting to separate ns (#318, thx @zajac)


  • Fixed core.cljc NS declaration to require cljs.reader (#316, thx @Quezion)


  • Added re-pattern and str/blank? str/includes? str/starts-with? str/ends-with? to built-ins (#306)


  • Fixed vector misbehaving in queries in CLJS (#262)


  • Fixed regression when transient indexes were mutated and iterated during single tx (#294).
  • Bumped persistent-sorted-set to 0.1.2 (throw if transient set is mutated and iterated at the same time).
  • Fixed regression when unique ref tempid was not resolved during transaction (#295).


  • Bumped persistent-sorted-set to 0.1.1 (Java 8 bytecode)


  • Fixed DB and Datom pprinting (#287)
  • Fixed cases when upsert resolves to tempid (#285)
  • Throw on tempid in :db.fn/cas (#264)
  • distinct aggregate returns set not a vector (thx @jdf-id-au)
  • Ability to run tests with Kaocha
  • [ BREAKING ] Some internals of datascript.arrays, datascript.btset and datascript.Datom type has changed

Performance optimizations for JVM version:

  • Reimplemented btset in Java with transients and better performance
  • Extracted btset to [persistent-sorted-set "0.1.0"]
  • Used raw ints in Datom intead of wrapped Integers, added stored in tx sign

Numbers I get on my 3.2 GHz i7-8700B (median time per test, ms):

version add-1 add-5 add-all init retract-5 q1 q2 q3 q4 qpred1 qpred2
0.17.1-jvm 795.8 670.7 651.8 79.4 617.5 2.3 5.4 8.2 13.1 7.1 27.3
0.18.0-jvm 625.2 450.9 401.8 21.8 389.5 1.9 5.4 8.2 13.3 7.3 28.9
0.9.5703-datomic 1693.9 737.9 528.5 --- 1420.9 2.8 5.2 7.3 9.3 12.8 15.5
0.18.0-v8 1231.6 963.1 930.3 76.5 809.1 6.4 15.2 23.8 33.6 24.2 24.5

Tests are as follows:

Test Description
add-1 Add 100k datoms to an empty DB, one datom per transaction
add-5 Add 20k entities to an empty DB, 5 datoms per transaction, 100k datoms total
add-all Add 20k entities to an empty DB in a single transaction, 100k datoms total
init “Fast” datascript DB creation from an already sorted array of datoms (used in DB deserialization), 100k datoms
retract-5 Retract 20k entities from a DB with 100k datoms. Each entity removes 5 datoms. 1 entity per tx.
q1 Query with 1 clause over a DB with 100k datoms, ~12k tuples in resultset [:find ?e :where [?e :name "Ivan"]]
q2 Query with 2 clauses, 1 join, ~12k tuples [:find ?e ?a :where [?e :name "Ivan"] [?e :age ?a]]
q3 Query with 3 clauses, 2 joins, ~6k tuples [:find ?e ?a :where [?e :name "Ivan"] [?e :age ?a] [?e :sex :male]]
q4 Query with 4 clauses, 3 joins, ~6k tuples [:find ?e ?l ?a :where [?e :name "Ivan"] [?e :last-name ?l] [?e :age ?a] [?e :sex :male]]
qpred1 Query with a predicate, ~50k tuples [:find ?e ?s :where [?e :salary ?s] [(> ?s 50000)]]
qpred2 Query with a predicate and dynamic input, ~50k tuples [:find ?e ?s :in $ ?min_s :where [?e :salary ?s] [(> ?s ?min_s)]]

For Datomic an datomic:mem:// database was used.

What we see:

  • 20..40% faster transactions,
  • 75% faster deserialization (db-init),
  • No significant change on queries,
  • JVM transactions are more than twice as fast as V8,
  • JVM queries are 3-4 times as fast as V8,
  • DataScript transactions are 25..70% faster that Datomic in-memory. Query times vary.


  • or, or-join, not and not-jon support in queries (#238, #50)


  • Implement on datascript/DB (#281)
  • Drop Clojure 1.7 and 1.8 support
  • Fix externs.js syntax (PR #216, thx @thheller)
  • Support :as in Pull API an attr-with-opts syntax (#270, PR #271, thx @Jumblemuddle)
  • Support idents expansion (PR #245, thx bamarco)
  • JS API correctly handles nested maps with {":db/id"} in transactions (#228, thx @serebrianyi)
  • Calling transaction fns through idents directly (PR #185, thx @refset)


  • AOT artifacts are now deployed with classifiers (0.16.9-aot1.7, 0.16.9-aot1.8, 0.16.9-aot1.9). Main DataScript artifact has no AOTed code (related: #241, #279, #280)



  • Removed references to perf from datascript.query-v3 (closes #272)
  • Fixed compile error under java 11 (PR #273, thx Ryan Belohlavek)


  • Add support for renamed DB functions :db/retractEntity and :db/cas (#265, PR #256, thx Kenny Williams)


  • Provision AOT-compiled classes in datascript.jar (closes #241)
  • Fixed direct-linking compatibility (rolled back #197, fixed #219, closes #259)


  • Support string tempids (#251, PR #252, thx Kenny Williams)
  • Better compatibility with JS / CLJS 1.9.946 (aget, aset on plain objects)
  • Added rseek-datoms (#253, PR #254, thx Jeremy Taylor)
  • Object.equals for entites (PR #255, thx Camilo Roca)


  • Silently skip nils in transaction (was stopping processing without an error before)


  • Fixed compatibility with CLJS 1.9.660 (#233, #236)


  • Fixed rules ignoring false arguments passed to them (#218)


  • Fixed infinite loop in parser on CLJS 1.9.456+ (#210)
  • Added contains? to built-ins (#211)
  • Fixed handling of false values in entity cache (PR #198, thx Brandon Bloom)
  • Fixed issue when string values were interpreted as lookup refs (#214)
  • Speed up rschema calculation (#192, thx Andre R.)
  • Optimize generated JS code by declaring fn arities (#197)
  • [ BREAKING ] Removed ^:exports from datascript.core to enable dead code elimination (#191). This should only affect you if you were using DataScript from JS and were importing datascript.core directly


  • Add vector, hash-map, array-map, list and set to built-in query functions (PR #186, thx Linus Ericsson)
  • When filtering already filtered DB, filters were applied in the wrong order


  • ~30% better performance for predicate and fn calls in queries (see #180)
  • JS API now supports lookup refs in index lookups and queries (see #179)
  • Lookup refs now work with :db.unique/value too (issue #171)


  • Compatibility with 1.9 records (issue #176)
  • Resolve query functions and predicates on JVM (issue #177, PR #178, thx Luke VanderHart)


  • large long entity ids were breaking init-db (issue #165)


  • get-else throws if nil is used for default value
  • JS API: Do not keywordize attribute names in schema (PR #155, issue #153, thx typeetfunc)
  • init-db sets correct max-eid when processing facts about transactions (PR #164, issue #163, thx Nick Alexander)


  • Better error messages for upsert conflicts
  • Backtracking of tempids when redefining them later with upserts (issue #76)
  • Upsert works in vector form too (issue #99, #109)
  • Can specify transaction number in :db/add
  • Can put datoms into transaction directly (issue #121: supports both addition and retration datoms, keeps tx number)
  • Added all datascript.core symbols to externs so they can be called directly from JS (e.g. in combination with mori, issue #139)
  • Added reset-conn, conn-from-datoms and conn-from-db (issue #45)


  • Unify fn binding results with existing relations (PR #138, issue #141, thx Aaron Brooks)
  • [ BREAKING ] get-some returns [attr value] instead of just value (#143, same as Datomic)
  • [ BREAKING ] Returning nil from query function filters out tuple from result
  • Throw when calling unbound predicate/function inside a query (#111)
  • Added several built-ins, including count (#142) and subs (#111)
  • Lookups with nil value ([<attr> nil]) resolve to nil (#140)
  • Allow pull-pattern to be specified with a input variable without ? prefix (#136, #122)
  • Retract functions do not fail if lookup ref is pointing nowhere (#131)
  • Fixed BTSet implementation of IReduceInit (#124)



  • Fixed issue #120 with binding of large collections


  • Guard conn? will check that value is derefable instead of checking for (instance? Atom)


  • [ BREAKING ] Main namespace to include is now datascript.core, not datascript
  • [ BREAKING ] Old datascript.core (internal namespace) was renamed to datascript.db
  • [ BREAKING ] datascript.shim (internal namespace) was renamed to datascript.arrays


  • Usage of top-level namespaces is discouraged and even generates a warning in CLJS.
  • Better sooner than later.
  • 0.13 seems like a great number for this sort of release.

Migration procedure:

  • Just change (require '[datascript :as d]) to (require '[datascript.core :as d]) and you’re good to go.

For the sake of easy migration, there’re no other changes in this release. Just renamings.


  • Fix null pointer exception when contains? is called with an entity (PR #114, thx Kevin Lynagh)


  • db-init respects :db/index property


[ BREAKING ] Introducing new :db/index schema attribute:

  • Attributes are not put to AVET by default anymore

  • Following attributes are put to AVET:

    • :db/index true
    • :db/unique :db.unique/identity
    • :db/unique :db.unique/value
    • :db/valueType :db.type/ref
  • All attributes put to AVET should be comparable. Note: maps and list are not comparable by default, vectors are compared value-by-value

  • [ BREAKING ] Min/max aggregation functions will only work on a comaparable values


  • You can finally store any trash easily and reliably in DataScript database: maps, vectors, functions, JS objects. It doesn’t even have to be comparable. Just do not mark it as :db/index and do not make it :db.cardinality/many
  • Faster transactions. There’s ⅓ less indexes to fill
  • Good defaults. Most cases where you’ll probably use AVET (lookup by value)—lookup refs, external ids, references—they are all indexed by default


  • Your code may break (see below)
  • Queries can do lookup by value event without :db/index attribute, but it’ll be slower

Migration procedure:

  • Check your code for datoms, seek-datoms calls with :avet index, and index-range call
  • Check your queries to see if they utilize AVET index. It happens when you use this pattern: [?free-var <constant-attr> <constant-value>]
  • Mark necessary attributes with :db/index true in the schema


  • msec argument to squuid (#95, #97)
  • lookup refs in JS API pull, pull_many, entity (#94, thx Matt Senior)
  • fix in Pull API for reverse non-component attributes (#91, thx Matt Senior)
  • Node.js and Browser repls for dev profile (#93)
  • Preconditions to validate db/conn arguments (#101)
  • Id allocation bug (#66)


  • Ported BTSet to JVM
  • BTSet and BTSetIter implement ChunkedSeq
  • New benchmark runner

This release brings a significant performance boost for JVM version of DataScript (numbers are in comparison to JS/v8 version):

  • queries with single clause, no join: ~5–6 times faster
  • queries with joins: ~3–4.5 times faster
  • transact: ~3 times faster
  • init-db: ~3–4 times faster
  • rules: ~3-4 times faster


Experimental support for Clojure on JVM:

  • sorted-set instead of BTSet
  • polymorphic get lookup in query
  • no sorting optimisation for init-db

Performance numbers so far (raw data):

  • queries with single clause, no join: 30–50% faster
  • queries with joins: ~50% slower
  • transact: ~3.5–4 times faster
  • init-db: ~2–2.5 times slower
  • rules: ~2–5 times faster
  • db equiv: ~5 times slower
  • db hash: ~10 times slower


  • Fixed UUID constructor warning under CLJS 0.0-3291 and later


  • Support reverse attribute refs in combination with wildcards (issue #80)
  • *.cljc sources do not conflict with Clojure now. Code compiles under [lein-cljsbuild "1.0.6"]


  • Return nil from entity when passed nil eid (issue #75)


  • Fixed init_db in js (issue #73)
  • Preliminary work for Clojure port (PR #70, #71)
  • [ BREAKING ] DS now requires CLJS 0.0-3196 or later


  • New parser for query and rules
  • Added a lot of meaningful error messages and validations to query parser
  • Support for _ (ignore binding) in :in and fn-clause bindings
  • Fixed id allocation bug when nested maps are used for referenced entities (issue #59)
  • Fixed squuids omitting leading zeros (issue #60)
  • Fixed a bug when cross-referencing components caused infinite loop in Pull API (isuue #58, pull request #61)
  • Pull API handles recursion more like Datomic does (issue #62)
  • Exposed DB filter API to js (pull request #65)
  • Added ICounted, ISeqable, IEmptyableCollection to datascript.core/DB
  • Force put Datom and DB tag readers to cljs.reader/*tag-table*, do not rely on data_readers.clj


  • Lookup refs can be inlined in query :where patterns (issue #53)
  • Pull API (issue #37, pull request #51) by David Thomas Hume
  • pull form in :find clause


  • :db/unique constraints
  • Upserts
  • Lookup refs
  • entid function


  • Find specifications: collection :find [?e ...], tuple :find [?e ?v], and scalar :find ?e .
  • Support for :db/isComponent (issue #3)
  • Support for nested maps in transact! (also fixes #38)
  • [ BREAKING ] Custom aggregate fns must be called via special syntax (aggregate keyword): (q '[:find (aggregate ?myfn ?e) :in $ ?myfn ...]). Built-in aggregates work as before: (q '[:find (count ?e) ...]
  • Return nil from entity when passed nil eid (issue #47)
  • Transaction data is now validated, with proper error messages (also fixes #48)


  • Fixed a bug with function call after function relation was filtered out (issue #44)


  • Fixed a bug when emtpy coll in input was not creating empty relation


  • BTSet and its slices (returned by datoms/seek-datoms/index-range calls) now support fast reverse iteration via reverse.
  • (datascript/datom e a v & [tx added]) call for creating new datoms
  • Added missing aggregate funs: avg, median, variance, stddev and count-distinct (issue #42, thx @montyxcantsin)
  • min and max aggregates use comparator instead of default js < comparison
  • Fixed a bug when fn inside a query on empty relation returned non-empty result
  • Filtered DB support via filter


  • [ BREAKING ] Entity ids and transaction ids now have to be numbers, attributes can only be keywords (strings if used from JS)
  • New method init-db for fast creation of DB from existing datoms (useful for e.g. initialization from serialized state)
  • Improved performance of transact! (~20%) and initial database population (init-db, db-from-reader, ~800%)


  • Externs provided via deps.cljs — no need to manually specify externs when using datascript dependency


  • Ability to pass inputs (predicates/functions bindings) down to rules (issues #28 #29)


  • Javascript version is now packaged as a proper CommonJS/RequireJS module (include via script tag still supported) (issue #39)
  • Published to npm:
  • [ BREAKING ] Javascript namespace is renamed from datascript.js to datascript


  • Reference transaction id inside transaction by using :db/current-tx instead of entity id (issue #32)
  • You can get id of transaction from TxReport: (get-in tx-report [:tempids :db/current-tx])
  • Ability to pass arbitrary metadata along with transaction (third argument to transact!) and read it in listener callback (:tx-meta key of TxReport) (issue #32)


  • Added :db.fn/cas transaction function (issue #20, thx @montyxcantsin)
  • Added get-some, get-else, misssing? query functions (issue #21, thx @montyxcantsin)
  • Fixed touch breaking entity cache (issue #17)
  • Added ground fn (issue #25)
  • Fixed query predicate/fn calls without free variables
  • Retract incoming entity references on :db.fn/retractEntity (issue #18)
  • You can now use reverse relation name when transacting entity as a map


Cosmetic changes to better mimic Datomic API. Useful for sharing code between Datomic and DataScript:

  • Added tempid, resolve-tempid, db, transact, transact-async, index-range, squuid, squuid-time-millis
  • [ BREAKING ] renamed transact to with, with to db-with


  • Optimized speed of DB’s equiv and hash, Datom’s hash
  • Entity’s touch call accessible through datascript namespace
  • Accept sets in entity maps as values for :db.cardinality/many attributes


Proper entities implementation:

  • Entities are now lazy and implement usual Map protocols
  • [ BREAKING ] When accessing attribute of :db/valueType :db.type/ref, its value will be automatically expanded to entites, allowing for recursive exploration of entities graphs (e.g. (-> (d/entity db 42) :parent :parent :children))
  • Entities support backwards navigation (e.g. (:person/_friends (d/entity db 42)))


  • Externs file now can be referred as :externs [datascript/externs.js"]


Big performance improvements:

  • New B-tree based indexes
  • New set-at-a-time, hash-join powered query and rules engine
  • Queries now up to 10× times faster
  • You can specify DB for rule call (like ($db follows ?e1 ?e2))
  • Datoms are required to have integer id and keyword attributes, but no restriction on types of values


  • Clojure reader support (pr/read) for DB and Datom


  • datoms and seek-datoms API calls
  • referencing other entities’ tempids in transaction data (issue #10)


  • Transactor functions via :db.fn/call (thx @thegeez)
  • Vanilla JS API bindings
  • [ BREAKING ] Schema keywords namespaced on a par with Datomic schema


  • entity added