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326 lines (249 loc) · 13.6 KB

CGF Schema Draft


This document is a work in progress.

CGF is a binary format that encodes a representation of a genome relative to a tile library.


From a high level perspective, CGF consists mainly of:

  • Vector arrays of tile variant ids for each tile position (the 'pointers' into library).
  • Overflow tile variant pointers that can't fit into the fixed width records above.
  • 'NOCALL' information that explicitly holds information of where the no-calls fall within tiles.
  • A 'NOCALL' bit vector interleaved with the Vector array above indicating whether a tile has at least one gap on it
  • The auxiliary structures to index into the overflow table, the gap table and anything else.

A big motivation is to use fixed width records as much as possible for efficient lookup and storage. For elements that can't be contained within a fixed width record, overflow structures are provided often with indexes into them. These indexes are at a coarse level and point to the first record every 'stride' records (for example, a 1000).

Binary CGF structure

We will talk about binary layout later but the basic structure is:

Magic             8byte
CGFVersion        String
LibraryVersion    String
PathCount         8byte
TileMapLen        8byte
TileMap           []dlug          // TileMapLen byte size
StepPerPath       []8byte         // PathCount length
PathStructOffset  []8byte         // PathCount+1 length (PathStructOffset[PathCount]=total path bytes)
PathStruct        []{

  Name string

  NTile      8byte
  Vector    []8byte

  Overflow {
    Length   8byte        // number of records in this structure
    Stride   8byte
    MapByteCount 8byte
    Offset   []8byte      // |Offset| = floor((Length + Stride-1)/Stride)
    Position []8byte      // tile position of k*stride overflow record in Map array
    Map      []dlug

  FinalOverflowMap {
    DataRecordN         8byte
    DataRecordByteLen   8byte
    DataRecord {
      Code []byte
      Data []byte

  FinalOverflowMapOpt {
    Length    8byte       // should be negligible.  Number of final overflow records
    Stride    8byte
    Offset    []8byte     // offset in bytes of k*stride final overflow record element in map
                          //   If Length%Stride > 0, |Offset| = floor(Length/Stride) + 1
    TilePosition  []8byte // tile position of k*stride final overflow record in Data array.
    DataRecord {
      Code    []bytes     // fixed width single byte for code.
      Data    []bytes

  LowQualityInfo {
    Count       8byte    // Number of Low Quality records
    Code        8byte    // Code to future proof other low quality representations.
                         // Currently only this representation is allowed with the following
                         // structure.

    Stride        8byte    // e.g. 256
    Offset        []8byte  // Byte offset of k*stride element in LoqInfo
                           // |Offset| = floor( (Count + Stride - 1) / Stride )
    StepPosition  []8byte  // Tile step position of k*stride element in LoqInfo (for back lookup)
    HomFlag       []byte   // bit vector holding type of entry in list below, lsb first

    LoqFlagByteCount     8byte   // size in bytes of LoqFlag array
    LoqFlag       []byte  // Whole path flag indicator whether it's a low quality tile or not
                          // spanning tiles are not marked as low quality if the anchor tile
                          // is low quality (though the anchor tile is still marked as low quality).

    LoqInfoByteCount     //LoqInfo structure size in bytes

    LoqInfo[]{           // currently only 1 or two alleles supported.
                         // note: "het" and "hom" here only refer to the
                         // the low quality entry and not whether the tilemap
                         // entry is het or hom.  If both alleles have the same
                         // low quality information they're considered hom here,
                         // even if the actual tile entries aren't (i.e. they
                         // have different tile variant IDs).

      NTile   dlug       // number of tiles for this record
      LoqTile[]{         // One element per tile
        Len     dlug     // Number of LoqEntries (can be 0)
        LoqEntry[]{      // Structure to hold position and length of nocalls
          DelPos  dlug   // 0-index start position of nocall run
          LoqLen  dlug   // length of no call run


      NTileAlleleA  dlug  // A allele tile count
      NTileAlleleB  dlug  // B allele tile count

      LoqTile [2][]{      // Two arrays, one for each allele
        Len dlug          // Number of LoqEntries for this tile (can be 0)
        LoqEntry []{      // LoqEntry holding array of positions and nocall run lengths
          DelPos  dlug    // 0-index start position of nocall run
          LoqLen  dlug    // length of nocall run




  • The first 32 bits of each entry in Vector hold a bit to indicate whether it's 'canonical' or whether the overflow table should be consulted.
  • Each hexit has 4 values reserved:
    • 0xf - high quality overflow
    • 0xe - low quality overflow
    • 0xd - complex
    • 0x0 - spanning (stepped over)
    • 0x1-0xc - lookup in the tilemap
  • If there are more than 32/4 = 8 overflow entries, the overflow map should be consulted.
  • Overflow Map entries hold the TileMap entry if possible. If the entry is greater than the length of TileMap (1024 say), then two special values are reserved:
    • Spanning tiles are represented by |TileMap| (e.g. 1024)
    • Final Overflow entries are represented by |TileMap|+1 (e.g. 1025)
  • FinalOverflowMap holds everything else. The DataRecord.Code is as follows:
    • 00 - Explicit Tile information. This holds an encoded FinalOverflowTileMapEntry entry (see below)
    • 01 - Encoded FastJ tile. See below for the structure of FinalOverflowEncodedFastJ

Note that the spanning entry is needed in the Overflow structure if the Vector cache has overflowed and the entry is a spanning tile.

  FinalOverflowTileMapEntry {
    AnchorTileStep dlug
    NAllele dlug
    []Allele {
      Len       dlug
      VariantId []dlug
      Span      []dlug
  FinalOverflowEncodedFastJ {
    AnchorTileStep dlug
    Len   dlug
    Data  []byte


Tile Map

The tile map maps the index to the tile type. The tile type includes the list of tiles for an allele pair. In the rest of the CGF, the values used for each tile position refer to the index of the TileMap.

For example, [[1+1, 0+1], [3+2]] would represent two tiles on the first allele, both of spanning length 1, with the first tile being variant 1 and the second being a canonical tile (tile variant 0) and having tile variant 3 of spanning length 2 on the second allele. This representation is separated from any tile position (path and step) and in this sense only represents a kind of "tile class" of common tile types.

The representation in the TileMap array in the CGF header is an array of type dlug. Conceptually, the array of dlug types is separated out into records, with each record holding information for the pair of tile variant arrays. In each of the conceptual records, the first two values are the lengths of the two lists. Each list is comprised of pairs of values. Each pair consists of the tile variant id followed by the spanning tile length.

For example:

[ 1 1 [ 0 1 ] [ 0 1 ]]
[ 1 1 [ 0 1 ] [ 1 1 ]]
[ 1 1 [ 1 1 ] [ 0 1 ]]
[ 2 1 [ 1 1 0 1 ] [ 3 2 ]]

Where the brackets are only provided for clarity. The above would represent [[0+1],[0+1]], [[0+1],[1+1]], [[1+1],[0+1]] and (after skipping some entries), [[1+1,0+1],[3+2]].

The size of the whole dlug TileMap array structure is held in TileMapLen (in bytes).

Vector Data

The bulk of the information is stored in the PathStruct array. PathStruct.Vector should be around 2.5 MiB (10M tiles, 64 bits per 32 tiles). OverflowMap is hopefully small. FinalOverflowMap should be negligible. LowQuality(Het|Hom).Offset can be chosen to be in the Kb region (assuming a stride of 1000 or so). LowQuality(Het|Hom).Info, assuming 2 bytes for relative pos and length for about 10M gaps, should be about 20Mb. The LowQuality(Het|Hom).Info is the one that is the least understood right now. Hopefully the 20Mb guess is an overestimate but it might be in that range.

Though this might change in the future, a Vector element is chosen to be 64 bits with the first 32 bits allocated for 'synopsis' bits and the last 32 bits to allocated for the 'cache'.

A diagram is illustrative:

/--------- s ----------\/----------------------------- H ------------------------------\
|    synopsis bits     |                       hexit region                            |
|                      |                                                               |
|                      | [ hexit_0 ] [ hexit_1 ] ... [ hexit_{k-1} ]  <    unused   >  |
|                      |                                                               |
                         \___ h ___/ \___ h ___/     \_____ h _____/  \__ H - k*h __/
\______________________________________ b _____________________________________________/

Here, b=64, s=32, h=4 and H=32.

Low Quality Information

From some preliminary statistics, it looks like 85% of gaps are hom, so separating out the different nocall types might prove useful. LowQualityHom.Info holds position and length as variable length integers. It might be the case that gap lengths are less than 16 which means there are even more savings to be had by considering paths as hexits instead of full bytes.

Both of the low quality portions group 'stride' number of tiles (for example, a 256 say) and bin them. The LowQuality(Hom|Het).Offset provide indexes into the starts of each bin. The LowQuality(Hom|Het).NTile provide the number of low quality tiles in each bin.

The LowQuality(Hom|Het).Vector must be used to determine the relative record offset in each bin.

The LowQualityHom.Info holds records that apply to all alleles of a tile. Each group of nocalls for a tile has a NRecord field indicating how many nocalls are in this tile. Following the NRecord field, an array of variable length sequence position and length elements indicates where the nocall region starts relative to the beginning of the tile and how long it is.

All sequence positions should be taken from the beginning of the tile group start, tags included.

Het Low Quality

The het low quality information is similar to the hom low quality information but with an allele field added to indicate which allele the nocall region falls on.

LowQualityHet.Length holds the number of bytes held in the LowQualityHet.Info array. The LowQualityHet.Offset holds the byte offset position in LowQualityHet.Info for the first low quality tile at the index position divided by LowQualityHet.Stride rounded down.

The LowQualityHet.Info holds records that apply to all alleles of a tile. Each tile record has an array of Allele records. Each Allele record is identical to the LowQualityHom.Info record.

All sequence positions should be taken from the beginning of the tile group start. If there is an allele that has multiple tiles because of a spanning tile on another allele, the sequence position should be taken from the beginning of the tile group and should be thought of as referencing the position in the implied sequence of that allele.

Overflow Maps

The OverflowMap is only used to point to tiles that are present in the TileMap. The first 8byte portion holds the position in the Vector, the second holds the position in the TileMap. Keys in the OverflowMap are sorted in ascending order.

FinalOverflowMap can hold arbitrary (string) data to include any information not able to be captured by the other portions of the data structure.


Variable length schemes will be used. Dlugosz variable length integer encoding seems like a fine candidate. The basic idea is to have a linear number of prefix bits encode the number of bytes until a cutoff at which time it switches over to the prefix bits describing the length of the VLE integer. The VLE integer encoding is slightly modified from the one presented in the Dlugosz VLI post.

The following table gives a sense for how to encode:

prefix bytes header bits data bits unsigned range
0 1 1 7 127
10 2 2 14 16,383
110 3 3 21 2,097,151
111 00 4 5 27 134,217,727
111 01 5 5 35 34,359,738,367
111 10 6 5 43 8,796,093,022,207
111 11 000 8 8 56 72,057,594,037,927,935
111 11 001 9 8 64 A full 64-bit value with one byte overhead
111 11 010 17 8 128 A GUID/UUID
111 11 111 n 8 any Any multi-precision integer

This is a nice compromise between arbitrary length and efficient encoding for small numbers.

The document is unclear about what happens in the 0xff case for the prefix byte. This will be resolved here by considering the next 8 bytes to encode the length of the subsequent bytes. So

0xff | 0xgh 0xij 0xkl 0xmn 0xop 0xqr 0xst 0xuv [ ... ]

where [g-v] hold the number of bytes in [...]. The value (2^64)-1 in the length field is reserved for future use.