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File metadata and controls

145 lines (109 loc) · 7.98 KB

ENCODE WGBS Pipeline Reference

Table of Contents


A input JSON to run the full pipeline, including building gemBS indexes, will look like this. In this example we have two biological replicates, the first with two libraries and the second with one library, with each library sequenced paired-ended:

  "wgbs.fastqs": [
  "wgbs.reference": "hg38.fasta.gz",
  "wgbs.extra_reference": "lambda.fasta.gz",
  "wgbs.underconversion_sequence_name": "chrL"

To process RRBS data, add "wgbs.pipeline_type": "rrbs" to your input JSON.

If you plan on running the pipeline multiple times it is recommended to create the gemBS index file once, then use that as input to the runs instead of the raw sequence fasta files. To build the references, your input should look like the following:

  "wgbs.extra_reference": "lambda.fasta.gz",
  "wgbs.index_only": true,
  "wgbs.reference": "hg38.fasta.gz",
  "wgbs.underconversion_sequence_name": "chrL"

This will generate a combined contig sizes for the reference and extra reference as well as the gemBS index file. Then, to use the built references, specfiy indexed_contig_sizes and indexed_reference in the input JSON, like so:

  "wgbs.fastqs": [
  "wgbs.indexed_contig_sizes": "my.contig.sizes",
  "wgbs.indexed_reference": "indexes.tar.gz",
  "wgbs.reference": "hg38.fasta.gz",
  "wgbs.extra_reference": "lambda.fasta.gz",
  "wgbs.underconversion_sequence_name": "chrL"

Input Descriptions

wgbs.fastqs is a 3-D array of fastq file URIs (e.g. local file paths, Google Cloud Storage URIs, HTTP links) indexed by [replicate][library][read pair]. Replicates are processed independently. Libraries are merged together within each replicate to produce a single bam file and set of downstream methylation files for each replicate. Note that mixed paired and single ended libraries are not allowed.

wgbs.reference is a fasta file corresponding to the genome of interest, e.g. for GRCh38 (human).

wgbs.extra_reference is a fasta file containing extra control sequences used for QC purposes. For example, lambda DNA, which is unmethylated by nature, is commonly added to WGBS libraries as a control to verify that unmethylated cytosines are converted to uracil at a satisfactory rate (> 99% per ENCODE standards). As such, for a WGBS experiment using lambda control, a fasta containing the sequence of lambda genome would be used, e.g.

wgbs.underconversion_sequence_name is a string corresponding to the name of the sequence in the wgbs.extra_reference fasta that contains the control sequence to be used for calculating the bisulfite conversion rate. For lambda, this would typically be chrL.

wgbs.indexed_reference is a .tar.gz archive containing the following files produced from gemBS index during this pipeline's index generation step. Here ${prefix} is the basename of the fasta file used to produce it, without the extension:

  • ${prefix}.gemBS.contig_md5
  • ${prefix}.gemBS.ref.gzi
  • ${prefix}.BS.gem
  • ${prefix}.gemBS.ref
  • ${prefix}.contig.sizes
  • ${prefix}.gemBS.ref.fai

wgbs.indexed_contig_sizes is a chromosome (chrom) sizes-style file, which is simply a two-column tsv where the rows contain the chromosome name and size, in that order. This file is produced by this pipeline during index generation from the input reference fasta files.

wgbs.map_sort_threads is the number of threads to use for samtools sort when running gemBS map command

wgbs.map_sort_memory is the max memory to use per thread for samtools sort when running gemBS map command. It is a number followed by a K, M, or G suffix to indicate the units, e.g. 1G for 1 gigabyte or 800M for 800 megabytes.

Every task also has customizable resources (number of cpus, RAM, and disk size). There are too many to list individually here, but they all take the same form in the input JSON file: "wgbs.[TASK_NAME]_[RESOURCE]": [INTEGER], where RESOURCE is one of num_cpus, ram_gb, and disk_size_gb. As an example, if you need to increase RAM to 80 GB for the map task then in the input JSON you would put the following line:

"wgbs.map_ram_gb": 80


The pipeline produces more outputs than listed here, only the most useful ones are listed here.

Task wgbs.index

  • bam: a BAM file containing mapping results for the replicate, with all libraries for that replicate merged together.
  • csi: a BAM index in csi format for the above BAM, useful for visualization and subsetting, among other purposes. See specifications for details.

Task wgbs.calculate_average_coverage

  • average_coverage_qc: a JSON file containing the average coverage of its input BAM file and samtools stats quality metrics. Average coverage is defined as (aligned read counts * read length ) / total genome size, where read length and aligned read counts are taken from the samtools stats output and total genome size is the sum of chromosome sizes in the index_contig_sizes file.

Task wgbs.extract

Unless otherwise specified, bigBed files are in ENCODE bedMethyl (bed9+2) format, see ENCODE standards for details. One of each of these files is produced per replicate.

  • plus_strand_bw: a bigWig file containing the methylation percentage signal on the plus strand
  • minus_strand_bw: a bigWig file containing the methylation percentage signal on the minus strand
  • chg_bb: a bigBed file containing the methylation at reference CHG sites
  • chh_bb: a bigBed file containing the methylation at reference CHH sites
  • cpg_bb: a bigBed file containing the methylation at reference CpG sites
  • chg_bed: a bed file containing the methylation at reference CHG sites
  • chh_bed: a bed file containing the methylation at reference CHH sites
  • cpg_bed: a bed file containing the methylation at reference CpG sites
  • cpg_txt: a gemBS-style bed file containing the methylation at genotyped CpG sites (i.e. sites that could confidently be called by gemBS as CpGs). For details on this format, see the gemBS documentation

Task wgbs.make_coverage_bigwig

  • coverage_bigwig: a bigWig file containing the coverage genome-wide, one file per replicate.

Task wgbs.calculate_bed_pearson_correlation

  • bed_pearson_correlation_qc: a JSON file containing the Pearson correlation between replicates of methylation percentage at reference CpG sites with 10 or more reads. Note that this file is only produced when there are exactly two replicates.

Task wgbs.qc_report

  • portal_map_qc_json: a JSON file containing mapping quality metrics for the replicate. These values are scraped out of the gemBS HTML QC reports. See the ENCODE schema for details on which metrics are provided. Further descriptions of the metrics can be found in the gemBS documentation
  • map_qc_insert_size_plot_png: a PNG file containing a plot of insert size distribution across reads
  • map_qc_mapq_plot_png: a PNG file containing a plot of mapping quality (MAPQ) distribution across reads