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Command line tool for INCEpTION.


This project provides a command line tool for the INCEpTION text annotation platform which allows you to import, export and delete projects.


So far, the INCEpTION command line tool is not available from Pypi, but you can still install it using pip directly from this GitHub repository using the following command:

$ pip install inception-cli

Prepare INCEpTION to be able to use the Remote API

  • enable the remote API
    • go to INCEpTIONs home folder
    • open INCEpTIONs file
    • add the line remote-api.enabled=true
    • restart INCEpTION
    • now it should be possible to assign the role ROLE_REMOTE to a user
  • create a remote-api user
    • got to the user management page
    • create a new user, e.g. remote-api
    • assign at least the roles ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER and ROLE_REMOTE
    • make sure that the new user is enabled
    • click on Save


Run it from the command line to get a list of the available commands:

$ inception-cli project

All commands require the following options:

  • -u, --url.: INCEpTION instance URL
  • -U, --user: User name of the previously created user, you will be prompted to enter the password

If you do not want to enter this information multiple times, just set the environment variables INCEPTION_USERNAME and INCEPTION_PASSWORDaccording to the previously created user in the console session where you invoke the CLI. You can also set the INCEpTION instance url by the environment variable INCEPTION_HOST.


Deletes the given projects.


  • --regex (default=False): Whether to interpret the project name as a regular expression
  • --dry-run (default=False): Whether log actions would be performed without performing them
  • --projects: Names / regular expression of the projects which should be deleted


Exports projects and saves them to disk.


  • --regex (default=False): Whether to interpret the project name as a regular expression
  • --dry-run (default=False): Whether log actions would be performed without performing them
  • -o, --out (default=.): Where the exported projects should be saved
  • --projects: Names / regular expression of the projects which should be exported


Imports the given projects.


  • --projects: Names of the zip-files which should be imported


Lists the projects.

Migrating projects from WebAnno to INCEpTION

  • Enable the remote API in WebAnno
    • go to WebAnno's home folder
    • open WebAnno's file
    • add the line remote-api.enabled=true
    • restart WebAnno
    • now it should be possible to assign the role ROLE_REMOTE to a user
  • Create a remote-api user in WebAnno
    • got to the user management page
    • create a new user, e.g. call it remote-api
    • assign at least the roles ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER and ROLE_REMOTE
    • make sure that the new user is enabled
    • click on Save
  • Export all projects from WebAnno using inception-cli
    • install inception-cli
      $ pip install -U git+
    • export all projects from WebAnno (replace WEBANNO_URL and WEBANNO_REMOTE_API_USERNAME with the url of your WebAnno instance and the name of the user created in step 2.)
      $ inception-cli project export -u WEBANNO_URL -U WEBANNO_REMOTE_API_USERNAME --regex '.*'
    • enter the password of the remote API user you created in WebAnno when asked
    • inception-cli creates one zip-file for each exported project in the current directory
  • Enable the remote API in INCEpTION
    • go to INCEpTION's home folder
    • open INCEpTION's file
    • add the line remote-api.enabled=true
    • restart INCEpTION
    • now it should be possible to assign the role ROLE_REMOTE to a user
  • Create a remote-api user in INCEpTION
    • got to the user management page
    • create a new user, e.g. call it remote-api
    • assign at least the roles ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER and ROLE_REMOTE
    • make sure that the new user is enabled
    • click on Save
  • Import all exported projects to INCEpTION using inception-cli (replace WEBANNO_URL and WEBANNO_REMOTE_API_USERNAME with the url of your WebAnno instance and the name of the user created in step 2)
    • make sure the folder does not contain any zip-files which are no exported WebAnno-projects
      $ inception-cli project import -u INCEPTION_URL -U INCEPTION_REMOTE_API_USERNAME --regex '*.zip'