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This repository serves as an entry-point for multiple community-maintained components in the Kubermatic ecosystem. Feedback is highly encouraged đź‘Ť


Dedicated components for customer purposes.

Name Description
Overview Manage Cluster via API/Cluster CRD with GitOps Tooling
api/cluster-management-by-api Bash based management scripts to specify your KKP cluster by API for CI/CD or GitOPs purposes, see Cluster Provisioning by API via Bash/Curl.
api/terraform-kkp-cluster-provider Terraform based management of KKP user cluster for GitOps, see KKP Terraform REST Provider.
api/cluster-management-by-crds Management of KKP user cluster via Cluster or ClusterTemplate objects as .yaml files for GitOps, see Cluster management for KKP with Cluster CRDs
certificates/self-signed-ca How to create and managed self-signed CA at KKP
controllers/aws-private-ip-enforce-controller Enforces the assignPublicIP: false flag on all user cluster machine deployments
controllers/component-override-controller This bash-controller watches over Cluster objects and controls part of the spec.componentOverride.
controllers/external-dns-route53 external-dns is a controller that automatically creates dns records for your ingresses and loadbalancer services. This is a chart that deploys an opinionated configuration for working with AWS Route 53
controllers/pod-cidr-controller This bash-controller watches over Cluster objects and patches spec.clusterNetwork.pods.cidrBlocks
cron-jobs/scale-down running a cron job that scales down worker nodes during non work hours and weekends.
id-management/active-directory Example how to configure KKP with Active Directory
id-management/openldap Helm based OpenLDAP setup to deploy a indipendent LDAP server into Kubernetes for testing purposes
id-management/keycloak Example on how to configure and integrate KeyCloak setup as custom OIDC provider into Kubermatic KKP
loadbalancers/metallb Example config for MetalLB what aims to redress this imbalance by offering a Network LB implementation that integrates with standard network equipment
logging/audit/static-audit-log Description how static audit logging could get configured
vm-images/packer-ubuntu1804-vsphere-template A packer template to customize an ubuntu 18.04 cloud-image on vSphere
s3/s3-syncer-aws-cli s3-syncer based CronJob on the aws s3 cli to sync two different S3 locations as well Azure (by Minio Azure Gateway)
s3/s3-dbdump-syncer s3-syncer based CronJob creates a DB dump of a postgres SQL database and sync it via the aws s3 cli to a target S3 location.
vmware-exporter Helm chart for VMware Exporter and Dashboard for Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring of vSphere environments in the KKP MLA stack.
nutanix-exporter Helm chart for nutanix-exporter - exporter for Prometheus that can be used for monitoring of Nutanix-based environments.
user-cluster-alertmanager-alerts Set of user-cluster alert rules for usage with User-Cluster MLA. See cluster-mamangement-by-api to deploy Alertrules programatically.
user-cluster-grafana-dashboards Set of user-cluster grafana dashboards for usage with User-Cluster MLA.

Kubermatic Example Setups

Name Description
vSphere kubeOne / Kubermatic demo an example for running kubermatic on vSphere with kubeOne to install the
AWS EKS -D kubeOne demo an example for creating a Cluster running Amazon EKS-D
Bare Metal - KubeOne Static Hosts Example how to managed static bare metal workers. The "bare metal" workers are simulated with vSphere by terraform automation
Bare Metal - KKP and kubeadm join implementation examples Example how to use kubeadm to join the KKP managed controlplan: 1 Manual Example, 2 SSH Multi Client join script
Baremetal node provisioning with OSM This method allows you to provision a baremetal machine as a Kubernetes node, using the provisioning logic of OSM as provided by the specific OSP.

Kubermatic Addons

Configuration and tooling for common used KKP - Guides - Addon for user cluster customization.

Name Description
Makefile Wrapper for building KKP addons for a dedicated version
addon-manifests Holding the AddonConfig custom resource specifications for a set of addons to configure KKP UI
custom-addon/dns-resolve-overwrite A DaemonSet with privileged permissions to overwrite the host DNS at the kubernetes nodes
custom-addon/echoserver Simple echo server application as an example workload deployment with ingress config
custom-addon/ingress-nginx Deploys the Ingress Nginx Controller to the user cluster
custom-addon/trident-installer Addon for NetApp Trident storage support into a user cluster
custom-addon/openebs OpenEBS addon for on-premise users without distributed storage
custom-addon/amd-gpu AMD-GPU device plugin addon
custom-addon/kubeflow Kubeflow Machine Learning Toolkit
custom-addon/ntp-sync DaemonSet to execute ntpdate primary secondary scheduled on every node of a cluster
custom-addon/docker-pull DaemonSet to pull e.g. based images on every node with a docker-secret, to prevent rate-limited infrastructure pods.
custom-addon/flux2 Deploys Flux for keeping your Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration (like Git repositories).
custom-addon/argocd Deploys ArgoCD - a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes (as high availability installation).
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custom-addon/helm-operator Deploys the FluxCD - Helm Operator for managing additional deployment trough Helm by CRD
custom-addon/loki-stack (Requires Helm Operator) Add Grafana Loki stack based on Grafana Loki Charts
custom-addon/theia-ide Customized KKP addon for quickly using Eclipse Theia IDE at your Kubernetes cluster.
custom-addon/metallb MetalLB cluster addon for on-premise user cluster without native LB support
custom-addon/metallb-v2 MetalLB cluster addon for on-premise user cluster without native LB support - with advanced config options, see MetalLB - Configuration. Used if IP range config is not enough.
custom-addon/archive/kube-proxy-ipvs-patch Custom overwrite Addon to patch IPVS mode to strictARP: true.

Kubermatic Applications

Configuration and tooling for common used KKP - Guides - Application for user cluster customization.

Name Description - Values Sample values yaml for the Applications
argocd-app Argo CD - Declarative Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes.
echoserver-app Echo Server Example App
eclipse-che-app Preconfigured Eclipse Che IDE App
external-dns-app Using externalDNS to manage DNS Entries in an automated way in scope of an KKP user cluster
flux2-app Flux GitOps sync tool for application deployment
harbor-app Harbor App for user Clusters
sysdig-secure-app Sysdig Secure Integration for KKP User Clusters
hivemq-app HiveMQ Operator App to manage HiveMQ clusters in KKP user clusters


Some useful containers to work with KubeOne and KKP

Name Description
kubeone-tool-container A docker container with various tools to work with KubeOne and Kubernetes
kubermatic-dev-ui Complete DEV UI Container including KubeOne and various tools to work with KubeOne, KKP and Kubernetes via a Frontend UI


List of helper scripts and tools

Name Description
git-crypt git-crypt is a tooling to encrypt git repositories based GPG keys
kubeone-makefile Contains a template Makefile to manage KubeOne deployments
kubermatic-installer-script Contains a standalone usage of kubermatic - repo installation script for own installations.
kubermatic-makefile Contains a template Makefile to manage kubermatic deployments
ssh-debug SSH Debug Client for quickly ssh to nodes in an internal network
vault/vault-k8s-mapper Maps Vault secret as native Kubernetes secret into a defined namespace/secret.
vault/ Management script to up/download secrets to a vault secret kv store. Deletes pods in state evicted
headless.vnc.test.container.yaml docker-headless-vnc-container container containing Linux UI exposed via webvnc for testing e.g. dashboards from internal cluster view kills a pending kubernetes namespace creates an kubermatic service account at an seed cluster Scripts patches some specification of an Cluster API MachineDeployment object. Set dedicated build tags to the Kubermatic Charts untaints all master nodes, to be able to schedule workload A Bash bases Port-Scanner which is able to scan ports without any dependencies or tools like nmap
pvc.test.yaml small pod + pvc to test if storage provisioning works script to refresh all service accounts token (stored as secrets) and restart dependent pods semi-automatic A small helper script to kubectl port-forward a handful of service, in the example the typical MLA services prometheus, grafana, alertmanager Template to create a jumphost script with predefined enviroments.
Infrastructure benchmarking Documentation on how to benchmark various infrastrucutre elements used for hosting a kubernetes cluster.
KKP Project Viewer Service Account Adding a service account with view-only rights to your KKP Master Cluster

Knowledge Base

Helpful how-tos and detailed documentation:

Name Description
setup-checklist/kkp Detailed requirement documentation to setup Kubermatic KKP at different environments
setup-checklist/kubeone Detailed requirement documentation to setup KubeOne at different environments
how-to-convert-to-docx Commands to convert markdown to docx
migrate-helm2-to-helm3 This document shows you how to migrate Heml releases from using Helm version 2.x with Tiller to being managed by Helm version 3.x in place.
node-health-check This doc describes how Kubermatic node health checks works
nvidia-gpu-operator How to enable GPU support for KKP clusters by NVIDIA - GPU Operator
offline-setup How to run kubermatic in offline environments
upload-ova-with-govc How to upload ova by using govc How to collect the provisioned CPU/Memory of Kubernetes Clusters


Guides how to operate KubeOne / KKP.

Name Description
metallb-service-connection-drops-ipvs-strict-arp Connection Drops of Service Type LoadBalancer provided by MetalLB. Crash Looping Prometheus at KKP user cluster namespace
manual-backup How to create manual backup for your KKP/KubeOne setup. Expiring kubeconfig client certificate (at KubeOne Cluster example)


If you encounter issues file an issue or talk to us on the #kubermatic channel on the Kubermatic Slack.


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  • Please familiarize yourself with the Code of Conduct before contributing.
  • See for instructions on the developer certificate of origin that we require.

Pull requests

  • We welcome pull requests. Feel free to dig through the issues and jump in.


See the list of releases to find out about feature changes.