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A Meme Generator built using React and ExpressJS. It was an exam delivery for a Web Applications course


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Meme Generator

Student Subject Exam
@ninosanta Web Applications I Meme Generator

React Client Application Routes

  • Route /login: login page triggered by non-authenticated users by clicking on a login button placed on the Navbar
  • Route /public: it is the home page for non-logged-in users. It shows public memes
  • Route /private: it is the home page for logged-in users. It shows public and peivate memes
  • Route /add: page to add a new meme from scratch. It is linked to the add-button showed on the private page so that only logged-in users can add new memes

API Server

Meme management

Get public memes

  • HTTP method: GET URL: /api/memes
  • Description: Get the full list of memes or just the public ones
  • Request body: None
  • Request query parameter: None
  • Request example:
    GET http://localhost:3001/api/memes
    Content-type: text/plain
  • Response: 200 OK (success)
  • Response body: Array of objects, each describing a meme:
        "mID": 1,
        "iID": 1,
        "sID": 2,
        "uID": 1,
        "creator": "John",
        "uname": "",
        "title": "Drake",
        "visibility": "public",
        "text1": "Test1",
        "text2": "",
        "text3": "Test2",
        "font": "cursive",
        "color": "yellow",
        "path": "/images/drake.jpg",
        "name": "Drake",
        "box_count": 2,
        "position": "right",
        "top": 1,
        "middle": 0,
        "bottom": 1
  • Error responses: 500 Internal Server Error (generic error)

Get public and private memes

  • HTTP method: GET URL: /api/privatememes
  • Description: Get the full list of memes both public and private ones
  • Request body: None
  • Request query parameter: None
  • Request example:
    GET http://localhost:3001/api/privatememes
    Content-type: text/plain
  • Response: 200 OK (success)
  • Response body: Array of objects, each describing a meme:
        "mID": 1,
        "iID": 1,
        "sID": 2,
        "uID": 1,
        "creator": "John",
        "uname": "",
        "title": "Drake",
        "visibility": "private",
        "text1": "Test1",
        "text2": "",
        "text3": "Test2",
        "font": "cursive",
        "color": "yellow",
        "path": "/images/drake.jpg",
        "name": "Drake",
        "box_count": 2,
        "position": "right",
        "top": 1,
        "middle": 0,
        "bottom": 1
  • Error responses:
    500 Internal Server Error (generic error)
    401 Unauthorized (for non-logged-in users)

Get all images

  • HTTP method: GET URL: /api/images
  • Description: Get the full list of images stored in the public/images folder
  • Request body: None
  • Request query parameter: None
  • Request example:
    GET http://localhost:3001/api/images
    Content-type: text/plain
  • Response: 200 OK (success)
  • Response body: Array of objects, each describing an image:
        "iID": 1,
        "path": "/images/drake.jpg",
        "name": "Drake",
        "box_count": 2,
        "position": "right",
        "top": 1,
        "middle": 0,
        "bottom": 1
  • Error responses: 500 Internal Server Error (generic error)

Add a new meme

  • HTTP method: POST URL: /api/memes
  • Description: Add a new meme
  • Request body: JSON description of the object to be added (meme id i.e., mID is not required and would be ignored because the DB automatically manages the IDs)
        "mID": 1, 
        "iID": 1, 
        "sID": 6, 
        "uID": 2, 
        "creator": "Johnny",
        "uname": "", 
        "title": "Technically the truth", 
        "visibility": "public" 
  • Response: 200 OK (success)
  • Response body: the object as represented in the database
  • Error responses: 422 Unprocessable Entity (values do not satisfy validators)
    503 Service Unavailable (database error)
    401 Unauthorized (for non-logged-in users)

Add a new sentence

  • HTTP method: POST URL: /api/memes
  • Description: Add a new sentence row in the DB
  • Request body: JSON description of the object to be added (sentence id i.e., sID is not required and would be ignored because the DB automatically manages the IDs)
        "sID": 1,
        "iID": 1, 
        "text1": "3+2=", 
        "text2": "", 
        "text3": "3-2=", 
        "font": "fantasy", 
        "color": "black" 
  • Response: 200 OK (success)
  • Response body: the object as represented in the database
  • Error responses: 422 Unprocessable Entity (values do not satisfy validators)
    503 Service Unavailable (database error)
    401 Unauthorized (for non-logged-in users)

Delete an existing meme

  • HTTP method: DELETE URL: /api/tasks/:id
  • Description: a logged user delete an existing meme and its relate text fields
  • Request body: None
  • Request example:
    DELETE http://localhost:3001/api/memes/2
    Content-type: text/plain
  • Response: 200 OK (success)
  • Response body: an empty object
  • Error responses: 500 Internal Server Error (generic error)

User management


  • HTTP method: POST URL: /api/sessions
  • Description: authenticate the user who is trying to login
  • Request body: credentials of the user who is trying to login
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password"
  • Response: 200 OK (success)
  • Response body: authenticated user
        "id": 1,
        "username": "", 
        "name": "John"
  • Error responses: 500 Internal Server Error (generic error), 401 Unauthorized User (login failed)

Check whether user is logged in

  • HTTP method: GET URL: /api/sessions/current
  • Description: check whether current user is logged in and get her data
  • Request body: None
  • Response: 200 OK (success)
  • Response body: authenticated user
        "id": 1,
        "username": "", 
        "name": "John"
  • Error responses: 500 Internal Server Error (generic error), 401 Unauthorized User (user is not logged in)


  • HTTP method: DELETE URL: /api/sessions/current
  • Description: logout current user
  • Request body: None
  • Response: 200 OK (success)
  • Response body: None
  • Error responses: 500 Internal Server Error (generic error), 401 Unauthorized User (user is not logged in)

Database Tables

  • Table users - contains uID, email, name, hash
  • Table images - contains iID, path, name, box_count, position, top, middle, bottom
  • Table sentences - contains sID, iID, text1, text2, text3, font, color
  • Table memes - contains mID, iID, sID, uID, creator, uname, title, visibility

Main React Components

  • Login (in Login.js): it provides a modal to provide user's credentials, and it handles the login phase
  • LoginButton (in Login.js): it links to the /login Route where the Login component will be fetched
  • LogoutButton (in Login.js): onClick it triggers the logout
  • ModalAddOrCopy (in ModalAddOrCopy.js): it is a Form within a Modal that appears whenever a new meme has to be built starting from an image (i.e., from scratch in the add) or starting from another meme. The Form must be filled with the meme properties ad has to respect some constraints.
  • MyNavbar (in MyNavbar.js): it is the navbar of the site. It is the place where the login/logout button appears
  • NewMeme (in NewMeme.js): it is rendered in the add Route. This component displays the list of images from which start a new meme creation
  • ClickableImage (in NewMeme.js): the images cited above are made clickable by this component which embeds the ModalAddOrCopy within them
  • PrivatePage (in PrivatePage.js): it is rendered in the /private Route and renders the list of both public and private memes. It shows the add button too
  • PrivateMeme (in PrivateMeme.js): it builds the private memes. Furthermore, this component embeds within the memes loaded by PrivatePage the Delete, and the Copy functions. The latter exploits the ModalAddOrCopy which is triggered by the Copy button
  • PublicPage (in PublicPage.js): like PrivatePage but only for public memes and without the add button. Rendered in the /public Route
  • ShowProperties (in ShowProperties.js): each public meme once clicked shows a modal with its properties. This component defines that modal
  • PublicMeme (in PublicMeme.js): this component builds the public meme and its properties to be shown through ShowProperties component


Screenshot1 Screenshot2

Users Credentials

email password name password John password Johnny password Nino

How to run the app

Always start the server before the client!

Server side:

cd server
npm install
nodemon server.js # note that `npm start` works too, because I customized the package.json

Client side:

cd client
npm install
npm start