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Rock Paper Scissor Game


  • Build an ML inference library to interpret human hand gestures

  • Build a computer UI for gameplay

    • 3..2..1..go
    • Visual display of computer move
    • Reset game
    • Humans play multiple rounds (i.e. best of 10)
  • Build a humanoid robotic arm to show computer moves

  • All gameplay components run in containers

    • camera feed (rtsp feed preferred to onboard integration)
    • Inference algorithm
    • Robot arm gestures
    • Gameplay UI
    • Message bus
  • Deliver the solution as an open source project in a public git repo

  • Demo the cluster(s) connected via Rancher

  • Demo gitops updates/rollbacks for various components


Stretch Goals

  • Build a secondary library to do predictive gameplay for the computer player
  • Receive camera feed from webcam interfaces remotely
  • Akri integration for camera, robot, jetson


The “demo” is broken into two basic parts. Part 1 is an interactive game of Rock Paper Scissors in which human players attempt to win against the computer. Part 2 will be a presentation that includes both gameplay and the unpacking of NUCs prepared for the OT environment and dropped in to demonstrate how AI/ML, Edge systems and Secure Device Onboarding can be integrated with cloud native technologies to provide complete, secure and remotely manageable end-to-end solutions.

The interactive demo will have 5-6 physical components on the desktop. These include:

  • 3 NUCs as the Kubernetes cluster
  • A web cam for input of human player gestures
  • A robotic arm for expression of the computer gestures
  • A device to start/stop/reset the game