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A library for creating directed graph editors


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A React component which makes it easy to create a directed graph editor without implementing any of the SVG drawing or event handling logic.

Important v5.0.0 Information

Version 5.0.0 is a breaking change to some of the API interfaces. Many of the component attributes are the same, and the data format is the same, but there have been some necessary changes to improve the API, make the component faster, and add new features. Many changes will be listed below in the deprecation notes section. If you notice a problem, please use the ^4.0.0 versions of the package and refer to the legacy documentation in the v4.x.x git branch.


npm install --save react-digraph

If you don't have the following peerDependenies, make sure to install them:

npm install --save react react-dom


The default export is a component called 'GraphView'; it provides a multitude of hooks for various graph editing operations and a set of controls for zooming. Typically, it should be wrapped in a higher order component that supplies various callbacks (onCreateNode, onCreateEdge etc...).

All nodes and edges can have a type attribute set - nodes also support a subtype attribute. These can be passed to GraphView via the nodeTypes, nodeSubtypes, and edgeTypes props. GraphView will look up the corresponding SVG elements for the node's type/subtype and the edge's type and draw it accordingly.

It is often convenient to combine these types into a configuration object that can be referred to elsewhere in the application and used to associate events fired from nodes/edges in the graphView with other actions in the application. Here is an abbreviated example:

import {
  GraphView, // required
  Edge, // optional
  type IEdge, // optional
  Node, // optional
  type INode, // optional
  type LayoutEngineType, // required to change the layoutEngineType, otherwise optional
  BwdlTransformer, // optional, Example JSON transformer
  GraphUtils // optional, useful utility functions
} from 'react-digraph';

const GraphConfig =  {
  NodeTypes: {
    empty: { // required to show empty nodes
      typeText: "None",
      shapeId: "#empty", // relates to the type property of a node
      shape: (
        <symbol viewBox="0 0 100 100" id="empty" key="0">
          <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="45"></circle>
    custom: { // required to show empty nodes
      typeText: "Custom",
      shapeId: "#custom", // relates to the type property of a node
      shape: (
        <symbol viewBox="0 0 50 25" id="custom" key="0">
          <ellipse cx="50" cy="25" rx="50" ry="25"></ellipse>
  NodeSubtypes: {},
  EdgeTypes: {
    emptyEdge: {  // required to show empty edges
      shapeId: "#emptyEdge",
      shape: (
        <symbol viewBox="0 0 50 50" id="emptyEdge" key="0">
          <circle cx="25" cy="25" r="8" fill="currentColor"> </circle>

const NODE_KEY = "id"       // Allows D3 to correctly update DOM

class Graph extends Component {

  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      graph: sample,
      selected: {}

  /* Define custom graph editing methods here */

  render() {
    const nodes = this.state.graph.nodes;
    const edges = this.state.graph.edges;
    const selected = this.state.selected;

    const NodeTypes = GraphConfig.NodeTypes;
    const NodeSubtypes = GraphConfig.NodeSubtypes;
    const EdgeTypes = GraphConfig.EdgeTypes;

    return (
      <div id='graph' style={styles.graph}>

        <GraphView  ref='GraphView'


A typical graph that would be stored in the Graph component's state looks something like this:

  "nodes": [
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Node A",
      "x": 258.3976135253906,
      "y": 331.9783248901367,
      "type": "empty"
      "id": 2,
      "title": "Node B",
      "x": 593.9393920898438,
      "y": 260.6060791015625,
      "type": "empty"
      "id": 3,
      "title": "Node C",
      "x": 237.5757598876953,
      "y": 61.81818389892578,
      "type": "custom"
      "id": 4,
      "title": "Node C",
      "x": 600.5757598876953,
      "y": 600.81818389892578,
      "type": "custom"
  "edges": [
      "source": 1,
      "target": 2,
      "type": "emptyEdge"
      "source": 2,
      "target": 4,
      "type": "emptyEdge"

For a detailed example, check out src/examples/graph.js. To run the example:

npm install
npm run serve

A webpage will open in your default browser automatically.

  • To add nodes, hold shift and click on the grid.
  • To add edges, hold shift and click/drag to between nodes.
  • To delete a node or edge, click on it and press delete.
  • Click and drag nodes to change their position.

All props are detailed below.


Prop Type Required Notes
nodeKey string true Key for D3 to update nodes(typ. UUID).
nodes array true Array of graph nodes.
edges array true Array of graph edges.
selected object true The currently selected graph entity.
nodeTypes object true Config object of available node types.
nodeSubtypes object true Config object of available node subtypes.
edgeTypes object true Config object of available edge types.
onSelectNode func true Called when a node is selected.
onCreateNode func true Called when a node is created.
onUpdateNode func true Called when a node is moved.
onDeleteNode func true Called when a node is deleted.
onSelectEdge func true Called when an edge is selected.
onCreateEdge func true Called when an edge is created.
onSwapEdge func true Called when an edge 'target' is swapped.
onDeleteEdge func true Called when an edge is deleted.
onBackgroundClick func false Called when the background is clicked.
onContextMenu func false Called when the background is right clicked.
onPanDragStart func false Called when graph starts panning.
onPanDragEnd func false Called after graph ends panning.
onZoomStart func false Called when a zoom starts.
onZoomEnd func false Called after a zoom ends.
canDeleteNode func false Called before a node is deleted.
canCreateEdge func false Called before an edge is created.
canDeleteEdge func false Called before an edge is deleted.
afterRenderEdge func false Called after an edge is rendered.
renderNode func false Called to render node geometry.
renderNodeText func false Called to render the node text
renderDefs func false Called to render svg definitions.
renderBackground func false Called to render svg background.
readOnly bool false Disables all graph editing interactions.
maxTitleChars number false Truncates node title characters.
gridSize number false Overall grid size.
gridSpacing number false Grid spacing.
gridDotSize number false Grid dot size.
minZoom number false Minimum zoom percentage.
maxZoom number false Maximum zoom percentage.
nodeSize number false Node bbox size.
edgeHandleSize number false Edge handle size.
edgeArrowSize number false Edge arrow size.
zoomDelay number false Delay before zoom occurs.
initialZoomDur number false Delay before initial zoom occurs.
zoomDur number false Duration of zoom transition.
panOnDrag boolean false Whether the graph should pan when dragged.
panOrDragWithCtrlMetaKey boolean false Whether the graph should pan when dragged and control/meta key is pressed.
panOnWheel boolean false Whether the wheel should move the graph.
showGraphControls boolean false Whether to show zoom controls.
disableGraphKeyHandlers boolean false Whether react-digraph's key handlers should be respected.
layoutEngineType typeof LayoutEngineType false Uses a pre-programmed layout engine, such as 'SnapToGrid'
rotateEdgeHandle boolean false Whether to rotate edge handle with edge when a node is moved
centerNodeOnMove boolean false Weather the node should be centered on cursor when moving a node
initialBBox typeof IBBox false If specified, initial render graph using the given bounding box


You have access to d3 mouse event in onCreateNode function.

  onCreateNode = (x, y, mouseEvent) => {
    // we can get the exact mouse position when click happens with this line
    const {pageX, pageY} = mouseEvent;
    // rest of the code for adding a new node ...

Prop Types:

  nodes: any[];
  edges: any[];
  minZoom?: number;
  maxZoom?: number;
  readOnly?: boolean;
  maxTitleChars?: number;
  nodeSize?: number;
  edgeHandleSize?: number;
  edgeArrowSize?: number;
  zoomDelay?: number;
  zoomDur?: number;
  showGraphControls?: boolean;
  nodeKey: string;
  gridSize?: number;
  gridSpacing?: number;
  gridDotSize?: number;
  backgroundFillId?: string;
  nodeTypes: any;
  nodeSubtypes: any;
  edgeTypes: any;
  selected: any;
  onBackgroundClick?: (x: number, y: number) => void;
  onDeleteNode: (selected: any, nodeId: string, nodes: any[]) => void;
  onSelectNode: (node: INode | null) => void;
  onCreateNode: (x: number, y: number, event: object) => void;
  onCreateEdge: (sourceNode: INode, targetNode: INode) => void;
  onDeleteEdge: (selectedEdge: IEdge, edges: IEdge[]) => void;
  onUpdateNode: (node: INode) => void;
  onSwapEdge: (sourceNode: INode, targetNode: INode, edge: IEdge) => void;
  onSelectEdge: (selectedEdge: IEdge) => void;
  canDeleteNode?: (selected: any) => boolean;
  canDeleteEdge?: (selected: any) => boolean;
  canCreateEdge?: (startNode?: INode, endNode?: INode) => boolean;
  afterRenderEdge?: (id: string, element: any, edge: IEdge, edgeContainer: any, isEdgeSelected: boolean) => void;
  onUndo?: () => void;
  onCopySelected?: () => void;
  onPasteSelected?: () => void;
  renderBackground?: (gridSize?: number) => any;
  renderDefs?: () => any;
  renderNode?: (
    nodeRef: any,
    data: any,
    index: number,
    selected: boolean,
    hovered: boolean
  ) => any;
  renderNodeText?: (data: any, id: string | number, isSelected: boolean) => any;
  layoutEngineType?: LayoutEngineType;
  rotateEdgeHandle?: boolean;
  centerNodeOnMove?: boolean;
  initialBBox?: IBBox;

Imperative API

You can call these methods on the GraphView class using a ref.

Method Type Notes
panToNode (id: string, zoom?: boolean) => void Center the node given by id within the viewport, optionally zoom in to fit it.
panToEdge (source: string, target: string, zoom?: boolean) => void Center the edge between source and target node IDs within the viewport, optionally zoom in to fit it.
zoomToPoint (k: number, dur?: number, point: array) => void Zoom the graph to the given k scale, optionally centered around the given point or the center of the screen
handleZoomWithPosition (position: IInitialPosition) => void Position the graph at the given x and y values adjusting for scale. Optionally align the graph with the entities or change the scale/zoom duration
handleZoomToFit (initialZoom: boolean) => void Zoom the graph to be centered and fit all the entities on screen.

Connecting locally with Trifacta repo

Steps to locally test react-digraph changes in the Trifacta repo.

Trifacta repo

In the Trifacta repo, navigate to webpack.common and paste the following near the top (such as below JAVASCRIPT_BUILD_TOOLS_DIR)

Make sure to adjust your path to point to your local react-digraph folder!

const REACT_DIGRAPH_DIR = path.normalize(
  path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'path', 'to', 'your', 'react-digraph-folder')

Search for amplitude$ and paste the following below it.

'react-digraph':path.join(REACT_DIGRAPH_DIR, '/dist/main.js'),

Rerun make-build-client

react-digraph repo

Run npm run watch

If it doesn't seem to be connecting, in webpack.config.js try changing libraryTarget to commonjs2. If that doesn't work, try removing the dist folder completely and re-running npm run watch

Adding a react-digraph sourcemap

  1. Open devtools
  2. Navigate to filesystem -> add folder to workspace
  3. Check that your react-digraph/dist folder has a source map file (
  4. Add your local react-digraph folder
  5. Open the file in devtools -> right click -> copy link
  6. Open main.min.js and click add source map -> paste link

Deprecation Notes

Prop Type Required Notes
emptyType string true 'Default' node type.
getViewNode func true Node getter.
renderEdge func false Called to render edge geometry.
enableFocus bool false Adds a 'focus' toggle state to GraphView.
transitionTime number false Fade-in/Fade-out time.
primary string false Primary color.
light string false Light color.
dark string false Dark color.
style object false Style prop for wrapper.
gridDot number false Grid dot size.
graphControls boolean true Whether to show zoom controls.


A library for creating directed graph editors







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